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They are very different drugs. Seroquel is an anti-psychotic, whereas Valium is a benzodiazepine. both drugs can cause sedation, but generally they aren't interchangable, as they have substantially different effects.

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Q: Is seroquel a substitute for Valium?
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What medicine can you substitute for seroquel?

200 mg of seroquel is the same as taking 4 xanax

Can you substitute Equate sleeping pill for Seroquel?

No, do not self medicate.

Im taking four 300mg seroquel at night am i able to take Valium 5mg and what is the side effects?

umm if your taking 1200mg of seroquel and your not passing right out, you might want to switch to some immediate release seroquel, sounds like you are on the XR.

Why do doctors prescribe Valium?

Would 1 mg of valium for 2 mos. along with 75 mg of Seroquel @ h.s cause you to lose your balance and fall backwards during the next morning?

Is combining Zoloft metoprolol benazepril Valium flexeril and seroquel bad?

Valium and Flexeril should not be combined. Other drugs may be taken together if your psychiatrist and cardiologist think that they can be taken together.

Can Valium and seroquel be taken together?

It definitely wont make you die. It just might make you go to sleep quicker that's all...

How far apart should seroquel and percocet be administered?

I don't know if this helps but I am a 41yo man and i am prescribed Klonopin and Seroquel (Klonopin is about the same drug as Valium, same family but i think klonopin is a little stronger) anyway I take them both at the same time in the morning (1mg Klonopin, 300mg Seroquel) and at night (2mg Klonopin, 300mg Seroquel). I also take 1mg twice during the day. I have no problem with it except the Seroquel makes me drowsy and hungry. My Dx is Bi-polar schizo-affective and general anxiety disorder. Hope this helps.

What schedule is seroquel in?

Seroquel is not a scheduled drug.

What does seroquel show up as in your system?


How long does it take for seroquel to begin working?

regular seroquel is about an hour and seroquel xr takes about 4hrs

If you have stopped taking seroquel 7months will have seroquel in your system?

No you will not.

Is haloperidol a controlled substance?

In England Qutiapine i{seroquel} is only available on prescription from a doctor so yes ,here it is a controlled drug. In the USA, a controlled substance is more strictly regulated that other prescription drugs. Seroquel (Quetiapine) is available by prescription only, but it is not a government controlled substance. So, you're answer is no, it's not. That said, it is still sometimes sold as a street drug, although not as popular as benzodiazepines such as Valium or xanax (which are controlled substances). Some people think that Seroquel abuse is too common and it should be a controlled substance.