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Yes to both first offense misdemeanor 0 to 6 months second offense felony 0 to 5 years third offense 5 to 20 years also a felony

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Q: Is possession of marijuana a misdemeanor a felony in the state of la?
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Is possession of marijuana a misdemeanor or a felony?

It depends on the quantity in possesion and state you are in. In states such as California, Oregon, and Washington small amounts are misdimenors; larger amount they may add Possesioin with intent to sell if it is anything under an ounce of marijuana its a misdemeanor, and ounce or over is a felony. However some states such as Utah, marijuana is a felony despite the amount of possession

What makes felony possession verses misdemeanor og marijuana?

It depends on the state, but typically the amount of drugs someone is carrying and the type of drug can make the difference between a misdemeanor or a felony.

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Is selling marijuana a misdemeanor?

Depends on state but usually possession of large qty (implies distribution) is what seperates mis from felony some areas.

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No it is a misdemeanor in the state of Mississippi.

Is possession of morphine a misdemeanor or felony?

It depends on the state you're in - the quantity and - how you obtained it.

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What amount of marijuana possession is a felony in the state of Oregon?

Over an ounce.

At worst what is the penalty for possession of 2-5 grams of marijuana in a vehicle in California?

It depends on what state you live in. Usually anything above 40 grams is a felony, anything other than that is a misdemeanor. However, some states are totally anal about possession of marijuana and even a few grams could be a felony. I suggest you revise your question and include what state you live in so you can get a proper answer.

How much marijuana does a person have to posstion in order for it to become a felony in the state of Nebraska?

Being in possession of any amount of marijuana in a subsequent offense becomes a felony in the state of Nebraska.

How much marijuana possession is classified as a felony?

The classification of marijuana possession as a felony varies by jurisdiction. In some states, possession of any amount of marijuana can be classified as a felony, while in others, it depends on the quantity possessed. It's important to check the specific laws in your state or country for accurate information.

What amount of marijuana possession is a felony in the state of virgnia?

Fairly sure it's an ounce bro.