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i too am taking the same medication i have hashimotos thyroidtitus i am hypo thyroid

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Q: Is levothyroxine for inactive or over active thyroid?
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Related questions

What is over active thyroid?

Having an over active thyroid means that your thyroid is producing too much of its hormone.

Is there a over the counter thyroid medicine pill you can take until you find a doctor other than levothyroxine?

In the United States levothyroxine is a prescription only medication. There are not other medicines here that replace thyroid hormone.

What is active thyroid?

An under active thyroid produces too little of necessary thyroid hormones. Thyroid diseases are very common and can be treated with medication. With proper treatment, thyroid hormone levels can be restored and you will likely notice improvement in your symptoms as feeling less fatigue and weight control.

Is a moon of Jupiter that is dotted over 100 active and inactive volcanoes?

Jupiter's moon Io has over 400 active volcanoes.

Difference between thyrotoxicosis and hyperthyroidism?

Thyrotoxicosis: A condition resulting from excessive concentrations of thyroid hormones in the body, as in hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism: the overproduction of thyroid hormones by an overactive thyroid.

What is active and inactive medical files?

Active medical files are patients who have been seen in your office within the past year. Inactive medical files are people who have not been seen in your office for over 1 year.

Does thyroid problems can cause weight gain or loss and fatigue?

An over active thyroid can cause weight loss an underactive thyroid can cause weight gain

Can homeopathy treat an overactive thyroid and goiters?

can a homeotherpist treat over active thyroids

What is a moon of Jupiter that is dotted with over 100 active and inactive volcanoes.?

Good question ! The answer is "Io" (Eye-O)

How many users are registered on facebook in 2011?

More than 800 million registered users (active). Over a billion registered users (active + inactive).

How do you make your game into your place on Roblox?

I could have sworn I already answered this but, go to your places and make the inactive place active. If its neither active nor inactive, its probably on your local hard drive. Open the place then go to File > Publish to Roblox and select which place you want to overwrite. If its not active, inactive, OR on your hard drive, you'll need to build it all over again.

Will taking levothyroxine help you pass a drug test?

levothyroxine increases your metabolic rate...therefore you metabolise chemicals will not help you pass if taken only on the day of your test but may help to clear your system faster than normal if taken over time a week or 2 before your test. Taking Levothyroxine that has not been prescribed by your doctor can slow or stop your thyroid from working properly and permanent damage may occur