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yes it is legal, yes you'll pass a drug test.

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14y ago
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13y ago

K2 will turn you psychotic, and it shows up on drug tests.

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Q: Is k2 safe and will it show up on drug test?
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Can smoking K2 show in a 4 panal drug test?

No K2 does not show up in a drug test. I believe that there is only one lab that can test for it and the test is pretty expensive. K2 uses synthetic THC to mimic real THC.

Can k2 show up in a drug test?


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Does k2 show up on a probation drug test?

no because k2 is not technically marijuana. drug tests only test for the standard drugs like marijuana, cocaine, steroids and heroine. k2 would not show up on a drug test for probation because there are no ingredients in it that the probation drug test is testing for. on a side note, k2 is outlawed here now, so find something else to smoke.

Does K2 show up in random drug test?

It can - and has shown up as a cannabinoid on urine drug screens.

Will green giant potpourri show up on drug test?

No it doesn't have any of the chemicals in it to show up on a k2 test and deff wont sow on a regular drug test

Will spice or K2 show up on a DOT pre employment drug test?

They are testing for it now

Does k2 show up on a hair follicle test?

no, K2 doesn't show up on any drug tests. I've been tested, i know.keep smokin :)

Does k2 show up in a drug screen or drug test?

the active ingredient, JWH-018, does not show on any drug test or school.

Does Nola Diamond herbal smoke show up in a drug test?

Yes, it looks like Spice or K2, both of which you can test for.

Can k2 or spice show up in drug test?

Obviously there is a lot of confusion here. The question is about K2, the synthetic weed, not a Diluadid 2 (which has the MARKING K2 on it). No, as far as I know there is no drug test for any synthetic cannabinoids, but I do hear they are developing one.

How long do you have to wait to pass a urine drug test after you smoke K2?

I smoked k2 and passed a drug test the same day! Good luck.