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Q: Is it true that Alcohol reduces the sensitivity of the cones in the eyes making it more difficult to distinguish red from green true or false?
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Is it true the alcohol reduces the sensitivity of the cones in the eyes making it more difficult to distinguish red from green?


Does drinking vodka reduces a man's stamina?

Drinking any alcohol reduces your stamina. Alcohol is a depressant and reduces your responses in every part of your body. Alcoholics are usually impotent.

What does alcohol have the most gastritis impact on?

Drinking alcohol sometimes prevents or reduces gastritis.

Does frozen alcohol get you drunk?

Consuming frozen or very cold alcohol reduces its rate of absorption.

What is the effect of alcohol on veins?

It reduces harmful plaque buildup.

What are facts about what alcohol does to your blood vessels?

Alcohol reduces the risk that your arteries will harden and that they will become clogged with plaque.

What does alcohol do to your mind?

When consumed in moderation, alcohol reduces the risk of developing dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.

How does alcohol affect platelets?

Moderate alcohol consumption reduces platelet aggregation (blood clots) that can be fatal.

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What is in addition to the effects of alcohol greatly reduces a driver's vision?


In what addition to the effect of alcohol greatly reduces a drivers vision?


What is the main factor that reduces the blood alcohol level?

Time, as defined by the amount of alcohol the liver can process in a given period.