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Absolutely. In fact, this is the best combination for sleep I have had, and I have taken both of these every night for the past 3 years (25mg Seroquel w/10mg Ambien)... I find the ambien relaxes me to where I can lay down and the Seroquel actually shuts my brain down and keeps me asleep. Neither of these work good for me by itself, but combining them works wonderfully.

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14y ago

Yes, I take them both. No problems. Recovering from chemo therapy and have some nerve damage thus the gabapenitn. Ambien CR for the sleep issues that go with the stress of chemo/cancer/and figuring out your life! You can definitely take both!

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I think it's okay, in small doses. Be sure to call your doctor or pharmacist to be sure if your worried.

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Q: Is it safe to take lyrica and Ambien together?
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