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If 10mg methadone is an ok dose for you, then go for it my friend (:

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Q: Is it safe to take a 10mg methadone and a 10mg vicodin in the same day?
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Does methadone block the effect of Valium?

No. Vicodin does not connect to the same receptor in your brain that methadone does. Actually, the answer above is totally incorrect. Methadone and Hydrocodone(vicodin) both effect the same area of the brain (opiod receptors) and both stimulate your Endorphines which activate the receptors. Because Methadone has blocking properties, it will clog the opiate receptors in your brain making it almost impossible for other opiates to achieve their desired effect. It is very odd that the answer above says that Vicodin and Methadone connect to different parts of the brain when they are both opiates (broken down chemically they are the same thing).

Does methadone show up in your system the same as hydrocodone?

No. Hydrocodone will test as an opiate. When drug testing they have to specifially test you for Methadone. Methadone shows up as Methadone. Like codiene, vicodin, lortab are opiates. Valuim, Xanax, Ativan are benzo's. butabutal (fiorcet) is a barbituate. Methadone is Methadone.

Does taking 2 5-500mg vicodin the same as taking 1 10-500mg vicodin My Dr says it's the same but it doesn't feel the same?

Well, you're just taking with the 2 5-500's, 10mg hydrocodone, 1000mg acetaminophen, where as with the 10-500 you're taking 10mg hydrocodone, 500mg acetaminophen. If you're doctor says it's the same, he/she is an idiot.

You are on methadone and your drug test said you were positive for codeine you don't take codeine just vicodin I'm having trouble making them believe you what can you do?

The results show positive for codeine because methadone is in the same family. Show them your prescription for the methadone and tell them that this drug is in the same family and will show positive.

Is hydrocodone the same as methadone?

Yes, but it is really pointless because methadone has opiate blocking properties and will block the effects of the hydrocodone. When I was on methadone, I had a root canal and got vicodin (hydrocodone) and they did absolutley nothing because of the methadone. Methadone does help with pain though.

Is vicoden stronger than norco?

This is a complicated question. Both have the same amount of hydrocodone (10mg) but Vicodin has more acetaminophen (Tylenol). Norco has 325mg Tylenol while Vicodin has 500mg. The FDA is considering making all hydrocodone/acetaminophen combinations limited to 500mg acetaminophen because it is toxic to the liver, especially when mixed with alcohol.

Will methadone HCL show as the same thing as methadone?

Yes, it is the same.

Is Demerol the same as vicodin?

No. Vicodin isn't as dangerous.

Is a percoset stronger than a Vicodin?

Percocet comes in strengths of 2.5mg, 5mg, 7.5mg, and 10mg oxycocdone hydrochloride. Vicodin is 5mg hydrocodone. 5mg of oxycodone is the equivalent strength of 7.5mg of hydrocodone. Also, equivalent milligrams of oxycodone hydrochloride (Percocet) is slightly weaker than oxycodone (OxyContin). So, yes.

Is Vicodin an active drug in hydrocodone?

Hydrocodone and Vicodin are the same thing. Vicodin is namebrand, Hydrocodone is generic. Same thing with Percocet and Oxycodone.

Which is stronger Vicodin es or Vicodin hp?

same strength

Is benzodiazapines and methadone the same thing on a drug test?

No, benzos are benzos, methadone tests as methadone.