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Q: Is it safe to take Clenbuterol if you have diabetes?
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Can you take ambroxol clenbuterol while pregnant?

I don't think you should- not safe for your baby

Can you take clenbuterol if your on citalopram an anti-depressant?

if u want to know if you can takeZoloft with Clenbuterol then go to and clenbuterol on wikipediasrry i can answer :(

Is it safe to ride a roller coasters if you have diabetes?

It is not safe to ride rollercoasters if you have diabetes. It will increase your blood pressure.

Is it safe to take Aleve if you have Diabetes or High Blood Preasure?

Yes it is safe - so long as it is just Aleve and not a combination of Aleve and cold medication.

Is the glycemic impact diet safe for somebody with diabetes?

The Glycemic Impact Diet is safe for people suffering from diabetes. In fact, it has been shown to have great results from people with diabetes, and it is intended for diabetes patients.

Is it safe to eat fenugreek seeds during menses?

Yes, it is safe to take fenugreek during menses. This is a plant used to treat diabetes and it is recommended that you mix it with food.

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How much does clenbuterol cost?


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Is Clenbuterol available in India?


Is Simvastatin safe to be used to cure diabetes for the elderly?

No, because it's not a diabetes drug. It's a cholesterol-lowering medication. And you need to take special precautions when prescribing it to the elderly because it increases the risk of myopathy.

Where in UK can clenbuterol be bought by mail order?

The simple answer is - you can't ! Clenbuterol is a prescription-only medication that must be prescribed under the supervision of a doctor.