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Just to clarify, Seroquel is not in the antidepressant category of drugs but rather in the "atypical antipsychotic" category. However, it is FDA approved for treatment of depression in Bipolar 1 Disorder. It is also approved for acute mania in Bipolar 1 Disorder. It is currently the only drug in its class approved for both, and it is approved either as monotherapy or as an adjunct to Lithium or Valproate (e.g. Depakote.)

It is often prescribed off label in low to moderate doses for insomnia. I know people who take 100-200mg nightly for insomnia. Also, there are current studies taking place that may result in its approval for anxiety, as an alternative to benzodiazepines. Seroquel is not habit forming like the benzos, yet yields much of the same effects in low doses.

Depakote, like Seroquel, will give your liver a good workout so DO NOT drink while on either of these medications. Generally, its safe to say don't drink on any psycotropic drugs. These particular two medications cause the liver to metabolize alcohol more slowly, thus increasing the effect of alcohol.

If you want to know all the information, more than what the Dr. and Pharmacist will tell you, just got to and Complete info and prescribing information is available.

I take 400mg Seroquel, 2000mg Depakote, 10-20mg Valium at night. I also take 150mg Zoloft in the a.m. I have Bipolar I Disorder.

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14y ago

I take 400mg Seroquel and 500mg of Depakote 2x a day, no problems.

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14y ago

because of seroquel's highly sedative qualities it is not a good idea to consume alcohol while taking seroquel.

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Can you drink alcohol with a 250mg to 500mg daily dosage of Depakote?

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