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Methadone is synthetic and quite harmful and highly addictive.

Codeine and morphine are both natural - made from poppy extract. Of course, cyanide is also natural. 'Natural' does not mean 'safe'.

Morphine is 10 times stronger than codeine.

Morphine and methadone are highly addictive, while codeine only moderately.

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Q: Is it safe to mix methadone with codeine?
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YOU cannot use tramadol in combination with methadone. It is an opiate antagonist which if you are taking methadone can send you into instant severe withdrawl. I do not have the answer for methadone and fentanyl combination but do not use the tramadol methadone combination. If you do or have you are in for a very very scary experience. There are many pain meds you cannot mix with methadone. Take it from a life long methadone patient who has experienced what it is like to mix an opiate antagonist with methadone........Do not try it............................

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Defeats purpose of your recovery! and not good choice to do so!

If you take methadone can you take Tylenol codeine?

No, methodone does not contain any acetaminophen. Tylenol contains acetaminophen.

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