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i believe its possible based on my experience.. i actually have hyper thyroid and each time i undergo drug testing for my driver's license they often ask if i am taking medicines because test show that i may have taken prohibited drugs..

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Q: Is it possible that thyroid medications could show up positive cocaine in a drug urine test?
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How can you control thyroid?

there are medications used to rebalance thyroid hormone levels if a person has an overactive or underactive thyroid (medical conditions)

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Antithyroid medications are used to slow down the thyroid gland's ability to produce thyroid hormones. The most common antithyroid medications are propylthiouracil (PTU) and methimazole (Tapazole). These medications are most commonly prescribed to patients diagnosed with hyperthyriodism or Graves' disease.

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Thyroid medications are almost always prescribed through a doctor.

Could missing your thyroid medication cause a positive test result for cocaine even if you haven't used it in over a week?

short answer to ur question is "no" this means that you might be in contact with cocaine either by handling in some way. coke can be absorb by ur hands.

Can you use cough medication with thyroid medications?

Your physician will be the best resource for recommending over-the-counter cold or flu medication, as well as understanding how these medications might interact with your thyroid medication.

What can happen when you have a normal thyroid but take medications for and under active thyroid?

It can cause your thyroid to stop producing and cause major issues. Cindy Dronebarger 5402946698

What medications treat hyperthyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism treatment anti thyroid drugs

Can estrogen imbalance cause medications for hypothyroid medications not to work correctly?

Yes, estrogen products may increase thyroid-binding globulins and decrease the amount of thyroid hormones in the body. It may be necessary to increase the dose of thyroid replacement meds from your current regimen.

How should you discontinue taking thyroid medications?

The only safe way to discontinue taking thyroid supplementation is to talk to your doctor first. The body cannot survive without thyroid hormone.

Why After years of being on the same thyroid replacement therapy wht would my thyroid change?

As we age our bodies change and because of that medications need to be changed.