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In most cases yes it is safe to take this combination. Manytimes doctors use these in combination, because Adderall has a tendency to deplete the body's supply of serotonin. With that said Lexapro is ideal, since it is cleaner than many of the other antidepressants. In any event, caution should still be used, because combining the two drugs increases the risk of Serotonin Syndrome. Also, this syndrome will generally not develop right when you start but weeks after Lexapro has taken its full effect.

Here's why. Adderall causes your body to product more Serotonin. Once your body adjusts to the Adderall your body begins to produce less Serotonin and in some cases less than you did before. The benefit of Lexapro is that it blocks the reuptake of Serotonin, so when your body produces Serotonin it stays in the synapse and continues to work.

When an individual is just relying on their natural serotonin, SSRI antipredesants are not known to cause any problems, however, because Adderall is adding to the effect of the Lexapro and the Lexapro is blocking the metabolism of Serotonin, you may end up with Serotonin Syndrome.

The good news is this condition, while potentially deadly, it is very rarely deadly. In fact, you will usually just feel really irritable and icky generally before things get serious. When this happens, be sure to consult a doctor. The doctor will likely recommend that you temporarily and/or permanently reduce dosage based on the situation.

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16y ago

Yes i took both at the same time. There is a slight risk of developing a potentially lethal condition known as serotonin syndrome but the risk is minimal. It would be most prudent to start out at a low dose of the medication you're adding and move up gradually. As always it's best to consult your doctor when doing so. But bascially it's safe. You might also want to check with a drug interaction checker such as on webmd.

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16y ago

Adderall belongs to a family of drugs knows as amphetamines. Lexapro is an SSRI (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor). Amphetamines may interact with a variety of SSRIs including Lexapro. The interaction can cause what is known as "Serotonin Syndrom". Serotonin Syndrome presents with headaches, insomnia, agitation, aggression, and restlessness. It can also present with nausea, diarrhea, chills, and palpiations. It has been cautioned to use both agents simultaneously. If signs and symptoms develope, the offending agent must be stopped and medical attention must be sought.

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13y ago
ask MDyou must ask your doctor
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Q: Is it possible for Adderall and Lexapro to counteract with each other?
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i know you can do lexapro and adderall at the same time since i am personal prescribed to both. I am not sure what lamictal is though. Just try to take the adderall in the morning and take the lexapro at night since they would work against each other and would cause more than needed stess on your liver.

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Can you use Adderall to offset weight gain caused by Lexapro which was prescribed for depression and obsessive thinking?

AnswerThe simple answer would be yes, however, there are many pros and cons. First, in clinical studies, Lexapro is weight gain neutral, meaning that just as many people gain weight as lose weight. With that said, it is impossible to say whether the drug itself actually causes people to gain weight, and if it does it is unknown as to why which further complicates the matter.Second, you indicated that the the person had depression. Adderall is not recommended for people with depression, however, new studies have shown Adderall to actually be effective. Now the second part of the question that states that you have obsessive thinking. If this is the case, then I would definitely be very wary of taking Adderall, since Adderall is likely to increase this behavior.Third, both Adderall and Lexapro act on the same neurotransmitters. With that said, they are still very different drugs, but do run into the potential of counteraction each other. For instance, Adderall works primarily on dopamine, but has also been shown to increase serotonin as well. Lexapro works mainly on Serotonin. Now most SSRI's also will to a lesser extent increase dopamine and norepinephrine. If you are to mix Adderall with an antidepressant, Lexapro would be the best one to do so with, since studies show that Lexapro is cleaner and acts on serotonin and does not seem to increase the other neurotransmitters.Fourth, it is unlikely you will achieve the results you want. The truth is, Adderall works to decrease the weight mainly by suppressing your appetite. It also increases your metabolism, but this increase is negligible and is not likely to make any significant difference in weight. Also, you will notice a decrease in appetite at first and the Adderrall will work initially; however, over long periods of time, Adderral is not very effective in managing weight as your body becomes used to the drug.The best way to decrease your weight is through exercise. You should be doing exercises that elevate your heart rate to over 130 bpm, at least 4 times a week for 30 minutes - 60 minutes. While any exercise will burn calories and help, exercising of this intensity is the only real way to release endorphins which naturally increases both your serotonin and dopamine levels which will help reduce your need for the antidepressant and make your existing dosage more effective. Also, this level of exercise will elevate your glucose levels, thus naturally suppressing your appetite. And finally, even if the Lexapro has decreased your metabolism, this should offset any decrease and set you on the path to weight loss.Of course, not everyone can manage such a routine; however, it is the one likely to give you consistent results. In any event, you should speak with your doctor to weigh the pros and cons, as Adderall is a stimulant and a Schedule II controlled substance. Adderall has done many wonderful things for many people, especially in the area of ADHD; however, it also has the potential to do many negative things as well and has a higher potential of addiction than most other drugs.

Is Adderall used for ADHD?

no adderal is used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy other than that it isn't prescribed for anything else but a lot of people use it as a recriational drug and snort it to get a speed like feeling out of it. Actually, I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and have been prescribed Adderall XR as a way to counteract the zombie-like effects I feel from taking my antidepressants. The Adderall gives me the energy and motivation to get up in the morning and be productive, whereas the antidepressants elevate my mood but leave me feeling lazy and lethargic. So yes, Adderall is an effective treatment for my bipolar disorder, when takin in conjunction with other medications. I've heard that takng Adderall alone may cause some bipolars to go into a manic phase, but I personally haven't had that experience.

Does Adderall have THC?

No, you are thinking of the other drug.

How do you sleep if I'm on Adderall?

You can't really, adderall causes insomnia; and if it's still active the only way you can sleep is to either take vitamin C which will cancel it out. You can also smoke a bowl or two and that'll normally help you out enough to pass out.

Is Adderall prescribed in France?

Most not available in France, and none for adults. For example--Focalin.

Hey im a 12 year old boyand you take adderall and I hate it is it possible to cancel the effects?

It is not possible to cancel the side effects. Approach your parents and/or your doctor and tell them that \you dislike the medication for its side effects because it makes you feel uncomfortable (specify). From there, I am sure your parents or your doctor would try find other medications that won't have the exact same effects as adderall but are similar.