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it can be ..but ive found it just gives you a massive headache and is completely unenjoyable

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Q: Is it only dangerous to take suboxone on top of opiate?
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You failed for opiates for your iop class and you only take suboxone why did it come up as an opiate?

Suboxone is an "opioid." If someone sets his machine up to detect suboxone, it's going to list it as an opiate.

Can you take Darvocet with suboxone?

NO OPIATE WITH SUBOXONE!! Read the info from your prescribing doctor!

Will suboxone show up in a Florida probation drug test?

Yes, suboxone is a opiate and will show in a drug screen for opiates. Suboxone is not an opiate. It is for opiate dependency its to help with withdrawal If you are prescribed Suboxone you have nothing to worry about in taking a drug test, I take soboxone an I am on probation, an they do not test for that, I am honest with them an tell them I take suboxone.

Can you takE Ativan and suboxone in the same day?

Yes, you can take suboxone and ativan together. Suboxone does not block the effects of ativan. However, taking too much ativan with suboxone, could cause respiratory failure. So, to be safe, stick to the prescribed dosages of both medications.

Does Suboxone help cover up opiates on a drug screen?

Absolutely the contrary will take place in that Suboxone will completely displace the opiates out of your system within one day. This stuff is a miracle drug for those serious about beating their demons with opiates as there will be zero withdrawls on day one.

Can you take suboxone with nubain?

Absolutely not. Nubain is an opiate narcotic pain killer.

If you take suboxone and hydrocodone together will drug screen show positivefor opiate?


If you have taken suboxone will you feel a 30mg OC?

It depends on several different factors: how much suboxone you took, how long have you been taking it, and if you only took a suboxone once between taking pills: how high your tolerance is to oxycodone.If you only took one dose of suboxone (between 2mg and 8mg) you should be able to feel the full effect of the OC after 24 hours. After about 12 hours you'll feel some effects, but definitely not what you would normally expect from 30mg of OC. If you've been taking Suboxone for several days in a row, it would be difficult to guage how long it will take for you to feel the full effects. Suboxone has a 36 hour half life so it builds up in your system. The longer you take it and the higher the dose, the longer it will take for it to leave your system completely.

Will it hurt to take muscle relaxer with suboxone?

It is safe to take Robaxin with Suboxone. However, it does make you a little noddy. It can you give a mild opiate high.

Is it safe to take Claritin while on suboxone?

No it is a very bad idea to do this. There are two man drugs in suboxone, they are bupamorphine Buprenorphine and Naltrexone Naloxone. The bupamorphine Buprenorphine is in the opiate family and binds to your opiate receptors which prevents withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Also since bupamorphine Buprenorphine saturates your opiate receptors any other opiates you take will not have any effect and you will not feel it at all, so its just a waste of money. Naltrexone Naloxone is a drug that make it impossible to shoot up suboxone and also will make you VERY sick if other opiates are taken on top of it. If you take any kind of opiate with suboxone the naltrexone Naloxone will send you in to VERY painful withdrawal. Do not do this, you might end up in the emergency room as well. If you are going to take opiates wait at least 3 days after you have taken suboxone if you want to actually feel the opiate because it takes that long for the suboxone to get out of your system.You will not get sick if you are already stabilized on suboxone. If you are taking suboxone daily and you take any opiate on top of it, it will not make you sick. The naltrexone Naloxone is only activated when the pill is crushed for potential IV use, otherwise not enough of the naltrexone Naloxone is activated to make you sick. I have taken pain killers within hours of taking my suboxone to try and relieve some of the pain that the suboxone was not taking care of and I didnt get sick.

How long do you need to wait to take suboxone after tramadol?

The rules of opiates and suboxone don't count for tramadol because tramadol IS NOT a narcotic! Many people choose to believe it is, and if it works for you as a substitute for your regular opiate medication then go with it, but know it is relieving your opiate addiction only mentally, not physically.

If you took suboxone 4hrs after percocete what will happen?

nothing you will be fine. The percocet is already mostly out of your system in about five hours. Just do not ever take suboxone and then take and kind of opiate pain relievers because you will get very sick.