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Funny I should stumble upon this question. I have been taking Darvocet for approximately 3 years. I have a crooked spine which causes me daily back, neck and head pain. It's not bad enough yet for me to have surgery, but bad enough that I'm not benefiting from physical therapy. Therefore, Darvocet has been a life-saver for me.

I also suffer from mild "seasonal affective disorder". Around the beginning to middle of September (when the weather starts to get colder), I fall into a complete slump. Unable to get motivated, I feel like staying in bed all day. I also get rapid panic attacks at the onset of the changing of the seasons. Last year, my doctor prescribed Prozac for the S.A.D., and said that I could take it for the winter months and discontinue it once the fall and winter months were over. This worked wonders for me, and I continued using it until the end of April. The only downside to this was that I experienced a significantly decreased libido.

With fall rolling around again, I found myself back into the same slump as last year. I went to my doctor and asked him if there was something similar to Prozac that wouldn't affect my libido as much. He prescribed Lexapro. He did say that while this drug may also lower my libido, it shouldn't be as bad as the Prozac because the usual needed dosage is much lower.

I asked him how the Lexapro and Darvocet would mix, and he said that I shouldn't have a problem with the two as long as I'm not abusing either drug (i.e., taking too much Darvocet just to get "high". Which I don't.)

One of my main concerns with taking the Darvocet and an anti-depressant was the risk of "serotonin syndrome". It's when too much serotonin is released into the bloodstream, causing a whole range of unpleasant symptoms. I asked him about this as well, and he said that almost ALL of the cases of serotonin syndrome came from people who severely abuse medication, and that these two medications will not cause this when taken as directed.

I know I'm rambling, but I always like to read the detailed responses to questions when looking things up, so I tend to get pretty detailed with my answers.

The Lexapro so far has worked wonders for me as well, without the decreased libido. I've been taking it with the Darvocet and have had no umpleasant side effects. I hope the Lexapro works for you, too! Takes a few weeks, but it really does start to help...A LOT! Just take the Darvocet and Lexapro at prescribed levels and you should do just fine on it!

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Short answer: most likely, no.

MONITOR CLOSELY: Sedatives, tranquilizers, muscle relaxants, antidepressants, and other central nervous system (CNS) depressants may have additive CNS- and/or respiratory-depressant effects with propoxyphene. Misuse of propoxyphene, either alone or in combination with other CNS depressants, has been a major cause of drug-related deaths, particularly in patients with a history of emotional disturbances, suicidal ideation, or alcohol and drug abuse. In a large Canadian study, propoxyphene use was also associated with a 60% increased risk of hip fracture in the elderly, and the risk was further increased by concomitant use of psychotropic agents (sedatives, antidepressants, neuroleptics), presumably due to additive psychomotor impairment. Therefore, these drugs may constitute a dangerous combination in certain susceptible populations. Pharmacokinetically, propoxyphene is an inhibitor of CYP450 2D6 and may increase the plasma concentrations of many psychotropic agents that are metabolized by the isoenzyme such as phenothiazines, haloperidol, risperidone, phenobarbital, and some tricyclic antidepressants and serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Please ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice relating to medications prescribed for you.

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