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You should always check with your doctor first (could interfere with the test) and if you can't get in touch with your doctor then phone a drug store and talk to the pharmacist and tell them what type of test you are going to have and that you are fasting and what type of medication can you take for your headache (you may not be able too.) I've heard that cutting a lime in half and rubbing it on your forehead will take a headache away. There is also a cream you can get over the counter at a drug store that you rub on your forehead and it truly does get rid of your headache (unless you are unfortunate enough to suffer from migraines.)

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10y ago
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16y ago

Usually the answer is yes. HOWEVER, this should be discussed with your physician PRIOR to the test or procedure. There are many medications that could skew test results or adversely affect you during a procedure or if taken on an empty stomach.

Also, be sure to let the medical team know about ANY medication or substance that you are taking to include:

* Prescriptions from other doctors or health care facilities * Over-the-counter medications * Herbal remedies * Street drugs and alcohol

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11y ago

Yes, most fasting tests are for either blood glucose or cholesterol, and both will require you to take your medications for these conditions in your normal routine.

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11y ago

Whether or not you can take a headache tablet while fasting for a blood test depends upon the medication, the test, and your medical history. Only a doctor can tell you if the medicine you want to take is acceptable with the test you are having done.

For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders, seek the help of a qualified and board certified Migraine and headache specialist.

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15y ago

The short answer is yes, as long as the meds you take won't upset your stomach. There's an Imitrex nasal spray that can help you avoid an upset stomach

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15y ago

yes it is ok but take with the least amount of liquid possible. you can as call your health care provider to see what they have to say

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12y ago

The type of blood test being done will determine the answer to your question. You should ask your physician or the lab if your cough medicine is allowed.

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It is generally recommended to avoid taking medications, including Ambien, while fasting for blood tests unless advised otherwise by your healthcare provider. Ambien may interact with fasting and potentially affect the accuracy of blood test results. It's best to consult with your healthcare provider for specific guidance.

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It is important to follow the instructions given by your healthcare provider on whether or not you can take medication before a blood test. Some medications can interfere with the results of the blood test, so it's best to check with your healthcare provider first.

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Fasting labs are not affected by blood pressure medications and they should be taken as prescribed. Simply take them with some water of plain black coffee on your regular schedule.

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It's generally recommended to fast for 8-12 hours before a fasting blood test, which means avoiding any food or drink except water. Tea with milk and sugar may affect the results of certain tests, so it's best to follow your doctor's instructions and stick to water only during the fasting period.

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Typically when fasting you can have BLACK coffee or plain tea (nothing added, no splenda). This is only if you really have to have the it or forget. Fasting means no food or liquid consumption(water is just fine), including NO gum or candy. By the way you can brush your teeth just don't swallow it. Water is good! It make it easier to draw your blood, since your blood is mostly water. Usually you can still take your meds, unless the doctor tells you not to take them. I have been a Lab Tech/phlebotomist for 3 yrs. I give fasting instruction many times every day. And I turn people away for adding splenda.

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By all means yes!!! If it is a religious fast, we are urged to intake whatever foods are necessary to take with meds because what we are taking is needed to sustain certain organ function in our bodies to maintain certain levels of health. We eat before sun up and after sun down. If it is a medical fasting, a dr. should be able to tell you what to take and what not to take but above all, you should be able to take your meds. -Anonymous

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One should not take alchohol during fasting. That is what my fasting coach says. Alcohol will be converted to simple carbohydrate and burn as sugar. It will also dehydrate you even more if you are restricting liquids as well. And it will play havoc with lab tests .

Can you drink black coffee before a fasting blood test for CMP or Lipid Profile?

fasting blood test means to take sample empty stomach. however a little water can be taken.

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Unless your doctor tells you not to, you should take any medicines that have been prescribed to you, even when you're having a fasting blood test. It is also okay to drink small amounts of water.