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100% GUARANTEE IF YOU ASK ME. I'm on a session right now while my wisdom tooth is growing and the pain reief is gone while I'm high.

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Q: Is it ok to smoke weed while your wisdom tooth growing in?
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What are the signs of a wisdom tooth growing?

first you would feel some pressure in the very back of your mouth, after a while youll begin to notice that the back of your mouth is starting to feel sore. eventually, the gum line will recede and you will have your wisdom tooth

What about air travel while on antibiotics for a wisdom tooth infection?

It's fine.

Why do you have to have your wisdom teeth extracted when they come in?

Wisdom teeth should be extracted when they push and damage the 7th tooth while they grow, also when they develop a cyst or cause an infection, and wisdom teeth are removed if they're causing problems with prosthesis. Here's an interesting video about wisdom tooth extraction.

If the gum around one a wisdom tooth is a little loose but the wisdom teeth otherwise seem perfectly fine what should be done about it?

Quite often, a piece of gum tissue overlies the wisdom tooth which is partially through. Keep the area as clean as possible, otherwise attend your dental checkups as recommended so your dentist can keep it under observation. If the loose gum is causing you pain or severe irritation, then the wisdom tooth may need to come out, but it sounds unlikely from what you describe. There is no need to have wisdom teeth removed, unless they are causing problems such as pain, swelling, infection, decay in the tooth in front etc. Very often, the risks of wisdom tooth removal outweigh the benefits. Sometimes a wisdom tooth does not erupt completely, and creates an extension of gum called operculum. While eating and chewing on food, this operculum can be irritated and infected causing a pericoronitis. This condition has signs of intense pain, redness, a bad smell and a difficulty of opening the mouth. If the operculum does not go away, it is advised to extract the wisdom tooth to prevent complications of the pericoronitis. Under certain conditions, if the wisdom tooth has erupted, but an operculum is still present, it is possible to make an operculectomy, which is the removal of the extension of the gum itself without extracting the tooth.

Can you run after having wisdom teeth removed?

For a while ( few days) after your wisdom teeth are removed, it is advisable to do nothing that might disturb the blood clots that have formed in the tooth socket. That would include running or jumping.

Is wisdom tooth extraction reduces mind?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that wisdom tooth extraction reduces the mind or intelligence. While some people may report experiencing temporary cognitive or memory problems after undergoing anesthesia or oral surgery, these effects are typically short-term and resolve within a few days to weeks. In fact, wisdom tooth extraction can often have a positive impact on a person's overall health and well-being. Removing impacted or problematic wisdom teeth can help alleviate pain and prevent infections or other complications. It is important to follow your dentist or oral surgeon's post-operative instructions carefully to minimize any potential risks or side effects associated with wisdom tooth extraction. If you have any concerns about your recovery or cognitive function after the procedure, be sure to discuss them with your dental or medical professional.

How long does wisdom teeth pain last while they grow in?

I am 54 and my wisdom tooth has not come out due to unknown reason and while opening my Jaw I get Jaw-lock problem and face difficulty and no remedy/operation is available after verifying with one of the top Dontologist.

What term is given to a permanent tooth that replaces a primary tooth of the same type?

Your wisdom teeth Primary teeth are 20 (4 incisors, 1 canine, 2 molars per quandrant) while permanent teeth 32 (4 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, 3 molars per quandrant, the 3rd moral knows as wisdom tooth). The premolars come out in the place previously occupied by the primary molars, while the rest of the primary teeth are peplaced by their respective permanent one.

How common is an infection of a neighboring molar after impacted wisdom tooth extraction?

There are a number of potential causes of dental infection. Sometimes an impacted wisdom tooth can compromise the back root of the second molar. This would typically only be diagnosed after the wisdom tooth was extracted. The infected molar may not be related to the extraction. It may have had asymptomatic decay or periodontal disease before the impacted wisdom tooth was diagnosed and extracted. Usually, it is better to extract wisdom teeth prior to restoring or treating adjacent teeth because of the possiblility of damage or injury to the adjacent teeth during the extraction. While most dentists are very conscienteous and want to avoid complications in their procedures, complications do sometimes arise in spite of the dentist's best efforts. It is best to allow your dentist to manage these complications or refer you to a qualified specialist for treatment.

You went to the dentist because your upper left wisdom tooth is coming in but since you have a tooth missing next to it he wants to let it grow in do to loss of teeth but it doesn't feel right why?

I recommend getting a second opinion. While allowing the wisdom tooth to slide into the second molar space is one option, there are other options to consider. Perhaps a dental implant would be another possibility. At the very least, you need to discuss all your options with your current dentist and be satisfied with his reasoning for the recommended course of action before you agree to proceed.

Does everyone have to get a tooth pulled?

No, sometimes the tooth falls out while you are asleep.

What happens when you smoke while smoking?

its a bit hard not to smoke while smoking