i don't know but im doin it tonight , i have a throat infection, it hurts like crazy so the only way im gunna get to sleep is probably by taking 4 (5mg) Valium
Yes, it is ok to mix benzodiazapriene, which is the drug class for diazepam, with ibuprofin.
Clarithromycin decreases the clearance rate (the rate at which the drug leaves your bloodstream) of diazepam and may increase its effects. Use caution.
No, definitely not ok to take.
No. Better to switch all your dose to diazepam. Safer, and you can schedule to reduce your overall daily dose 0.5 mg diazepam every 2 weeks.
Diazepam is CNS Depressant Aspirin is NSAID
After morphine you may not need diazepam at all. Morphine is very much dangerous drug and diazepam is very safe drug. Morphine has to be used very carefully and diazepam can be used almost routinely in today's world of lot of psychological tensions.
There is no use of mixing them together. You can take both together.
Yes, the two have no negative interactions.
If the bottle says to not mix don't mix it
Only if it has been prescribed to them by a doctor.
Yes, you can drink milk while taking penicillin.
It is not ok just as it is not ok to mix urine with face lotion. A myth is emerging. Myth that semen is good and healthy to eat or apply.