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talk to your doctor about that. besides you dont care if you get lung cancer and kidney failure later in life right? Ohh and also your penis shrinks, have fun having a ch0de!

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Q: Is it bad to smoke weeds if you positive in syphilis?
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Is it bad to smoke when a girl is on their period?

It is always bad to smoke.

What would happen to the environment if everybody stopped cutting their lawns?

1 thing positive is a lot of gas will be saved the bad things are weeds as tall as you are-- pollen from these weeds will harm people with allergies and respitory conditions-- there is a greater risk of a fire when the weeds get too tall. yes the best grass in the world will turn to weeds if not maintained, the same as weeds will turn into grass if cut regularly.--- poison snakes will be able to hide in your lawnand kill you someday--all types of vermin will set up housekeeping in your yard--- your neighbors will rise up and storm your house with torches and pitchforks, but don't fear the snakes will take care of them. you may not be able to find your car ; never mind that's a redneck thing.all these will harm the environment from the smoke and airbornespores and allergins

What are prickly weeds called?

Bad weed, usually. Sage

Is it bad to smoke?

What kind of smoke do cigarette produce?

bad smoke

Does a bad charcoal canister make your car smoke?

it can, mine is bad and i will get smoke from time to time.

Is it bad to smoke weed with MS?

It is bad to smoke weed.

When should you smoke?

you sholdn'y smoke at all its bad for your lungs and you could get cancer you sholdn'y smoke at all its bad for your lungs and you could get cancer

Is ciggerate smoke bad for dogs?

Yes.Cigarette smoke, in fact any sort of smoke, is bad for people, dogs, cats or anything else.

Is treponema pailidum good or bad for people?

Bad, It causes Syphilis which can be bad. Seek treatment Immediately otherwise it Could hurt you in the long run

Is it bad for little kids to smoke?

Of course it is. Even second hand smoke can cause health problems.

Is mojo bad to smoke?

no, its very good to smoke, do it lots!!