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No this is good and to be expected. Some women stop menstruating all together from the pill.

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Q: Is it bad to have a 3 day light period when on the pill?
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What does it mean when you have a one day period that is very light while you are on the pill?

what does it meam when you have a one day period that is very light while on the mini pill

Is it bad to start the pill on your period?

No it is fine day 1 of your period or the Sunday following day one. Either is correct.

Do you have to have a period on the 7 day break on mercilon pill i havent had my period yet and im on my 4th day?

Sometimes the birth control pill can make your period so light, it doesn't come at all. If you used the pill correctly the month before, there's no cause for concern.

You are taking the pill and your period stopped after 1 day?

It is normal to have light periods or no period at all while birth control.

Is it bad if you are on your period and you start the active pills of the contraceptive pill one day early?

No, my wife does this as well as not stopping taking the active pill after the 21st day so she can control when her period arrives or not so she can do things without worrying about having a period.

You started the pill on the first day of your period and it stopped after 4 days but has been some light spotting on 6th day does that mean the pill has not worked?

i have never started the pill while on my period i started it the day after.. but if its a new pill that you are starting your body might just begetting used to it, somrtimes it just takes a couple mouths for it to work perfectly. or you can ask your doctor bc the pill you are or might not be the right one for you.

A girl is on a 21 day pill packet. She takes a pill each day and then has her period. After her period she starts a new 21 day packet. How many days does she need to wait for the pill to take effect?

a month

Are you suposed to get you period on the first day of taking the inactive birth control pill?

no your are supposed to start the pill on the day u finish ur period

What is considered your first day of your last period if your on birth control Is this considered to be the day after your last pill or the day you actually start bleeding?

The first day of your period, with or without the pill, is the first day of bleeding.

New to pill first week can you get pregnant if you started the pill on day your period ended which only lasted day and half and cycles that ain't regular and missed a pill day after unprotected sex?

if you have unprotected sex you can get pregnant. Period.

Is it bad to miss a day while on the pill?


Is it okay if you take the pill on the 5th day of your menstruation?

If this is your first day taking the pill, you should start the pack on the first day of your period. If you are already taking the pill, take one every day, even when you have your period. Follow the instructions that come with the pack.