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Q: Is it bad to drink one beer then to take Claritin?
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You drink a lot of beer is it bad for you?

Yes it is

What did Virginia settlers drink in 1607?

Bad water and ale, wine, or beer.

Is beer good for dogs?

No, beer is not good for dogs. Alcohol is toxic to dogs and can cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, and even death. It is best to keep alcohol away from pets at all times.

Is it bad to drink malt liquor after a workout?

Why do you want beer after a workout anyway!?! That's sad!

When getting a tattoo is it bad to drink beer?

Alcohol thins the blood, making it harder for the tatooist

Why do the English drink warm beer?

Because you can taste the flavours better. A better question would be, why are Americans obsessed with freezing cold beer? It is well known that you can hide inconsistencies and bad flavours by making the beer very cold. It has to be a much better brewed beer if you are to drink it warm.

Hands and feet swell when drinking beer?

i notice that my friend have feet swollen so she keep drink beer for 3 days streight she wont stop to drink over like 21 cans 12oz. is it bad?

Can allergy medication prevent you from getting?

well it kinda depends on if you have really bad allergies or not. like idon't have that bad of allergies so i take claritin clear, but if you have bad allergies you would take somthing like zertec.

Is it bad to open someone else's beer?

That depends. It is polite to open someone else's bottle of beer just before handing it to them. It is very rude to open someone else's beer and drink from it, whether or not you tell them that you did.

Is it harmful for cats drink beer?

positivly beer is harmfull for it must be bad for cats.Answer:Any alcoholic beverage is extremely harmful to cats. Do not give beer to your cat. It could result in fatal alcohol poisoning.

If a keg of beer freezes will it still be good?

Depends on how drunk you are when you try to drink it again.

Is it bad to drink cold water when you take your medicine?

yes it bad to drink cold water while taking medicine