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There are drugs out there that help with anxiety. Talk to your dr about alprazolam. I have been taking that drug for years on anxiety. I am not sure what is linked to your anxiety but, it also could be helpful to talk with a counslor.

Well, alprazolam is an awful thing to take because it is basicaly the same thing as drinking a six pack of your favorite beer, this is because both alcohol & alprazolam bind to GABA receptors. I believe opioids are a safe alternatione if not the best to keep anxiety at bay. I personaly have been using it for over 2 years and have not had any problems. I only take 10mgs of oxycodone or hydrocodone. Two years ago I started out with 5mgs. Just don't tell your doctor because he will not like what you are doing.

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Q: Is it acceptable to use low dose hydrocodone for anxiety?
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talk to your doctor. you are looking for a low dose of oxycodone or hydrocodone, like brand name percocet or vicodin

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What potentiates Hydrocodone?

diphenhydramine, dramamine, promethazine... Preaty much any anti-histamine but, take in low dose's and take the anti-histamine about 30 min before taking the opiate. diphenhydramine, dramamine, promethazine... Preaty much any anti-histamine but, take in low dose's and take the anti-histamine about 30 min before taking the opiate.

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The maximum safe dosage of hydrocodone is strongly dependent upon tolerance and to a lesser extent individual biochemistry. A common starting dose of hydrocodone for pain management is 5mg every six hours. Individuals who have taken opioids for long periods of time can take hundreds of milligrams per day and still be completely functional, although these doses could easily kill an opioid naive person. The general rule of opioid dosing is start low and gradually titrate the dose upwards. Finally, it is very important that this medication is not mixed with other opioids or depressants, as these combinations can vastly lower the safe dose and increase the risk of overdose.


Low on avoidance, high on anxiety.

Can you take aleve with norco?

I'm looking into this too. Norco seems to cancel out the night anxiety from starting Prozac well, and I actually feel like being social. I've heard your body may have trouble absorbing the hydrocodone when on antidepressants but for me it seems to work better. Maybe since I'm on a moderately low dose of Prozac (20mg) it doesn't inhibit the Norco. I've also heard of people taking norco for anxiety atracks. Just a side note there.

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increase effectiveness