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No, it's not a drug.

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Q: Is guarana a stimulant
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Chemical formula for guarana?

The chemical formula for guarana is C8H10N4O2. It contains caffeine along with other compounds like theobromine and theophylline, which contribute to its stimulant properties.

What is guranna?

Guranna, or guarana, is made from the seeds of a Brazilian shrub. The substance is used as a stimulant or tonic and is an ingredient in some energy drinks and herbal weight loss pills.

When was guarana found?

guarana found in amazon river Brazil

How do you pronounce guarana?

Guarana is pronounced as gwa-ra-na.

How long does guarana stay in your system?

how long does guarana stay in your sysstem?

Why is guarana bad for you?

Guarana should not be used by people with various medical conditions, including heart disease. Guarana has three times the amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee.

Is Guarana legal in sport?

No it is not...

What does Bawls Guarana contain?

Bawls Guarana contains carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, citric acid, natural guarana extract, natural flavors, sodium benzoate (preservative), and caffeine.

What is guava and can you get it in pill form also?

A guava is a type of fruit. It is not sold in pill form in much the same way that a pineapple is not sold in pill form. I'm wondering if you perhaps meant guarana (supposedly it's a herbal stimulant added to energy drinks) ?

Is Guarana related to Caffeine?

Yes, there is a relationship. One guarana seed contains about 5 times as much caffeine as a coffee bean.

What medications interfere with guarana?

blood thinner

What herbs give you energy what specific herb will give the body energy?

Guarana is primarily used to boost energy. It has two times more caffeine than coffee beans, with its content rate at 2-5%. Guarana can be found in many commercialized products including soft drinks, energy shots and capsules. It can also be found in herbal tea. Guarana's popularity began in Brazil, where it can be found in the soft drink, Guarana Antarctica. Only Coca Cola sells more than Guarana Antarctica in Brazil. Many people outside of South America may not realize it, but Brazil is one of the largest consuming soft drink countries in the world. That, combined with Guarana originating there, has led to the large consumption of this popular stimulant. Guarana is one of the most popular forms of caffeine intake throughout South America. There are many effects when you consume Guarana, most of them positive. The biggest positive effect comes cognitively. It has been shown several times - through clinical studies - that Guarana can improve memory and alertness. In many cases it can also improve a person's mood. One of the more popular clinical studies done on Guarana showed strong positive effects after a dosage of just 75 mg. It has also been shown to improve cognitive and physical abilities in rats (the latter referring to endurance not strength). The biggest advantage - and one that most people aren't aware of - is that it can help you lose weight. In a 45-week study, people who consumed 75 mg of Guarana per day lost an average of 11 lbs. This is thought o be because it can make you feel full therefore reducing your appetite. Many people would assume that with all these benefits there has to be some side effects, but in this case, other than some people experiencing jitters, there are no known side effects for the general population. Guarana is considered safe for most people. Source;