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I Was sleeping everyday on my lunch hour while taking Strattera, It made me feel dopey but it did help a little with concentration issues strangely enough. Just switched to metatdate...hope it works better. N

One of the side effects of Strattera is fatigue, but this is not considered a permanent side effect and should resolve itself in two or three weeks as your body becomes accustomed to the drug. When you increase your dose or go off Strattera for a day or more, the fatigue may kick back in as your body re-adjusts, but for most users, this side-effect eventually goes away. Every person is different, though, and if you are taking other drugs, there could be interactions with them that will cause unexpected side effects.

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Q: Is extreme sleepiness a side effect of Strattera and does it go away after a few days?
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Can Strattera make Hepatitis appear in boys?

Yes, in fact, in 2004 the FDA required Lilly to put a warning on Strattera that it could cause hepatitis. This is a very uncommon side effect. The hepatitis typically goes away when the drug is stopped.

How long after stopping Strattera does the testicular pain go away?

Testicular pain is a very rare (and mostly undocumented) side effect of Strattera. If you have testicular pain it could be another medical problem such as an STD or epydidymitis or if it is the left testicle and very painful it could be what is called a testicular torsion. However, myself and others have experienced testicular pain from taking Strattera that can range from mild to extreme. No doctor will believe you, but stopping the Strattera should take care of the pain in a few days. If it doesn't, seek a medical professional's opinion. EDIT: I don't think the person who wrote the answer above knows very much about strattera. Testicular pain is not an uncommon side effect of the medication. I have heard that side effects should subside within a weak, but that is not from experience and only from a number of anecdotal reports. In fact, some people have mentioned bad withdrawal symptoms lasting weeks but most people don't seem to have this problem.

Do the side effects of Strattera go away over time or will whatever side effects that are present after 3 weeks be permanent as long as the drug is taken?

: Depending on the side effects you are experiencing from Strattera, some may reoccur each time you take the drug, while other may subside with time. I took Strattera for 6 weeks, and my heartburn did not go away so I stopped taking it. Strattera seems like one of those drugs where the side effects actually do occur and some are more extreme than the others. Im going to say that for the most part the side effects will most likely not go away. But for example if you get headaches, you could take some kind of aspirin, or Tylenol. (if your doctor approves) or maybe you just get used to it and it doesnt bother you, but from what I've seen the side effects are reoccuring and vicious. hope this helps*************

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If your son seems to get more hyper on Adderall and Strattera and goes crazy screaming hitting and crying will this go away?

I am not a physician and cannot say for sure if it will "go away", but I can tell you that Strattera can cause extreme agitation and volatilty due to the fact that it is a adrenaline re-uptake inhibitor, which means it keeps adrenaline running through your body as oppossed to being processed by the body. Adrenaline is a natural chemical our bodies produce that helps us react in a stressful/fearful situation. I would recommend that you call your doctor for a re-evaluation of your child. There are many more medications that can be used to treat ADD/ADHD with fewer/milder side effects.

What foods cause sleepiness?

Foods that are high in carbohydrates and tryptophan can cause sleepiness, such as rice, oatmeal, and dairy products. Additionally, consuming heavy or fatty meals close to bedtime can also make you feel more tired as your body works to digest the food. Avoiding these types of foods closer to bedtime may help with staying alert and awake.

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Can you take xenadrine and Strattera together?

Yea if you wanna get nuffed up. But seriously it might not hurt. dexedrine is for adhd so it makes you pay attention and Valium calm you down. so the worst it might do besides death would be make you a zombie.

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Can Strattera decrease anxiety disorder?

I have had dysthimia (I think that is the right spelling) which is a difficult to treat, but not severe, depression. I have been on Strattera for 10 days, and I feel that the depression is lifting some. But there are other side effects that make it debatable if it is worth it. Strattera was originally intended to be a new antidepressant drug, but in clinical trials, no benefits could be proven. Since Strattera works to inhibit the reuptake of norepinephrine, the manufacturer ran trials on the effectiveness of Strattera for ADHD and was subsequently approved (Information is from Wikipedia), making Strattera the first non-stimulant ADHD medication on the market. If your doctor is giving you Strattera for depression, you might want to request a new drug, as that is basically an off-label use since Strattera is for ADHD and has been shown in clinical trials to NOT be effective for depression.

Could pain in your lower abdomen and testicle be linked to Strattera?

Yes. I had the same thing happen to me. I was checked for a hernia by four separate doctors (not fun), had my prostate checked (even less fun), and was told flat out that they had no idea what was wrong with me. I stopped taking Strattera, and the problem went away almost immediately, along with a number of related side-effects. It seems to be very, very rare, and is not officially documented anywhere, but I've found enough brief personal anecdotes online to make me believe that its true. Another user: I also suffer from significant testicular pain upon taking Strattera. To test this, I stopped taking the medication and it went away immediately. I stayed off of Strattera for four days and had no pain. Last night before bed I took Straterra and awoke to significant testicular discomfort this morning.