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in my experience it is addictive, i have been on lorcets for years and very addicted to it.but my point is sometimes i would get codeine instead of lorcets and i would abuse them yes it is addictve,so you have to be careful of getting dependent on them..i am clean now but its taken about 12 years i use to take allmost 30 a be careful..

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15y ago
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9y ago

Too much of ANYTHING can kill you.

Too much water can cause Water Intoxication and has killed people. Chemicals like Codeine are members of the Opiate family of drugs. In small amounts, codeine helps ease pain, subdues coughs, etc.... Taking too much Codeine can cause vomiting, respiratory depression (slow breathing), stupor and possibly death.

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11y ago

If you find that even when you do not have a cough, you still feel an urge to drink some cough syrup that contains codeine, then this is a sign of addiction. If you stop drinking it, you will recover.

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9y ago

Codeine is an opiate and, as such, definitely addictive.

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Technically codeine is an OPIATE.

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Q: Is codeine a opioid
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Are Vicodin and Codeine related?

The opioid analgesic Hydrocodone is present in Vicodin and that Hydrocodone is related to Codeine.

How do you spell codean?

The spelling of the opioid drug is "codeine" (3-methylmorphine).

What opioid receptors does codeine effect?

Codeine effects mu opioid receptor (OPRM1). See the link below for more information:

Is roxicet 30 mg made with codeine or opioid?

Roxicet is a form of Oxycodone. (percocet)

Does NyQuil have codeine in it?

No, NyQuil does not contain codeine. NyQuil is used as a cough suppressant and antihistamine and its active ingredients include Dextromethorphan and Doxylamine succinate and Acetaminophen. Codeine is an opioid pain medication.

Does morphine contain codeine?

morphine and codeine are both opiates, to make it easyer for you to understand , morphine is the corvette of opiate pain killers and codeine is the toyota 2 totally different painkillers , 2 different animals

Does clindamycin have codeine in it?

No. Clindamycin is an antibiotic. Some cough syrups have codeine in them but there would not be an antibiotic-opioid combo medication.

Will norco show up as a opiate?

The narcotic in Norco is an opioid in that it contains hydrocodone, which is derived from codeine. It also contains acetaminophen. Because it is synthesized from an opiate it is labeled an opioid. Yes. Norco is hydrocodone, which is an opiate class medication.

Why does codeine cause constipation?

Codeine is a Opioid analgesic as well as cough reviler. But due to acting on mu receptor of intestine and CNS it decrease all gastrointestinal secretion and decrease movement of intestine,leading to costipation

Where does Oxymorphone come from?

Oxymorphone is a semi-synthetic opioid drug related to morphine and codeine. It is derived from thebaine, a constituent of opium gum from poppies.

What is the difference with codeine phosphate and dihydrocodeine?

Codeine phosphate is a weaker opioid compared to dihydrocodeine, meaning dihydrocodeine is more potent. Both are used for pain relief, but dihydrocodeine is typically prescribed for moderate to severe pain, while codeine phosphate is often used for milder pain or as a cough suppressant.

Is 30mg of codeine strong?

Normally the street price for 93 150/4 white round codeine pills cost $10 around this area (Boston) so I'd imagine the 3's would be $5... Also keep in mind 3's have 30mg of codeine and 300mg of tynerol whereas 4's have 60mg of codeine and 300mg of tynerol.