No it is VERY addictive and should never be used recreationally.
show picutre of soma and zanax
Yes, but taking Xanax (alprazolam) over that long a period is not a good idea. It is highly addictive.
If you have valid prescriptions then those results will be accepted.
no, but trust me, if u are an addict . . stay AWAY from it . . it affects our system just like a narcotic.
Yes, but it is a slang name and not the official name for Xanax, an addictive pharmaceutical drug.
go to they have lot's of information on Soma's. And they ARE REAL, their generic name is carisoprodol. the guy that gave you that last answer is an idiot; they are very real. Avoid narcotics, such as clonazepam, (Klonopin) Xanax, (Alprazolam) and others.
Xanax, as a street drug is used as an oral medication. It is usually swallowed in tablet form. However, it also can be snorted.
Generally not. It is addictive and withdrawal from it can lead to seizures but the drug itself usually does not.
Neurontin is a non-addictive alternative to Klonopin, but it must be prescribed by your physician.
Alprazolam (Xanax) is a highly addictive drug. Xanax also has severe and deadly withdrawal symptoms when stopping habitual use. Xanax is a Benzodiazepine drug and Benzodiazepine addicts typically have a shorter life expectancy than a normal person because of the destructive and dangerous nature of their addiction.