Personal experience of the daily use of 60-120 mg of Prozac (one of a large family of
pharmaceuticals known as the selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors) has show a
profound ability to suppress the male sexual drive WITHOUT influencing the secondary
sexual characteristics, without adverse affects on liver function, bone density,mental
acuity (memory,concentration,mood,sleep cycles,reading speed/comprehension).
These drugs have been successfully used to supress abnormal sexual drive in para-
philiacs (e.g. pedophiles, victims of hyper-sexualism, ets.)
Their function seems related to the fact that for sexual arousal to occur,it is necessary
for seratonin levels to be LOW. Since high levels of seratonin are generally necessary
for a general sense of well being (absence of depression/anxiety/mood swings),it is
suggestive that the low levels of seratonin exhibited in males experiencing romantic/
erotic love could explain why this state is experienced as being of mixed emotional
content, either very joyful or very distressing, in wild swings of emotion.
The Secondary sexual characteristics (muscle mass,body/facial hair,voice quality,male
aggressivness,ets) remain essentially intact,making these drugs a ideal solution for
male sexual problems of a pyschological nature. It is virtually impossible to overdose
on this class of drugs,and the large number of differernt drugs using different chemical
pathways make it easy to avoid building up a tolerance to their effects. One simply
need only switch between different subgroups to avoid this. More drugs,using new
chemical pathways are being constantly discovered (estimates of the currently avail-
able number in the range of 100 and is increasing annually).
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