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Dove makes antibacterial soaps - but not antifungal ones.

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Q: Is Dove soap an antifungal soap?
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Related questions

Who owns dove soap?

Unilever owns Dove Soap Unilever owns Dove Soap

Who distributes Dove Soap?

The Dove Company themselves actually sell the soap to buyers, and then the buyers sell the soap to their customers.

When dove soap first made?

Dove soap got it's name from a Dutch factory. Dove soap was launched in the US in 1957, years after Unilever acquired the soap factory De Duif (Dutch: The Dove) in The Netherlands, from which the English brand name Dove is derived.

Is dove bar soap ivory soap?


Did dove create soap or deodorant first?

Dove created soap first in the 1950s. They later expanded their product line to include deodorants in the 1960s.

Which soap is beter dial or dove or caress?

I think dove

How is dove soap represented in mythology?

dove is aphrodite's symbol

Can you use Dove body wash as hand soap?

Yes, you can use Dove body wash as hand soap.

What are the main features of dove soap and why YOU purchase it?

There are actually quite a few different special features of a dove. One special feature of the dove is that it is a love bird.

Does dove soap contain phosphates?

Yes, Dove soap does not contain phosphates. Dove products are formulated to be gentle on the skin and do not typically include phosphates in their ingredients.

Does Dove soap contain sulfates or paraffin?

Yes. The two companies, chocolate and soap, are different.

Which brand of soap leaves no invisible layer of soap scum on skin?

From watching the commercials on TV, I've figured that Dove has the best soap that doesn't leave residue or soap scum on skin. Dove has different types of soap too; one can use Dove for men too.