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The ventricles has the strongest wall .

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Q: In which chamber of the heart would you find the pacemaker?
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What does the heart in the statue of happiness do on gta IV?

Once you have actually managed to drop Niko (from a chopper) onto the tier of the Statue where the door to the heart chamber is, he has to go through the door's dark entrance into the first room, where he will find a long ladder. When he climbs the ladder to the top, he will find the heart chamber, where the giant, chained heart of the Statue slowly beats. And that's it, basically.

If a probe is put down the aorta of a sheep what chamber of the heart would it come out?

If a probe is inserted down the aorta of a sheep, it would come out from the left ventricle of the heart. The aorta is the main artery that carries oxygen-rich blood away from the heart, and it originates from the left ventricle.

How many atria and ventricles do you find in a fish heart?

2, the atria is the upper chamber of the heart. since there is alower and upper chamber in the heart, and the upper part is the atria, do the math: four chamber divided in half (two lower and two upper and 2+2=4) equals two which gives the the number of atria!

If someone who passed away had a pacemaker and was creamated can you tell if the pacemaker was not working?

If a pace maker stopped working, The only way to find out is if an autopsy was performed.

Can you use the hyperbaric chamber if you have high blood pressure or heart disease?

We will find out in several weeks as our 26 yr old son is about to undergo chamber treatment to see what impact hyperbaric treatment will have on dialysis and possible regeneration of kidney cells.

Which is the molten rock that you can find underground chamber?

The molten material that you find in the magma chamber is the magma itself.

Where to find unown in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Unown is a very common Pokemon that can be found in Dilford Chamber, Liptoo Chamber, Monean Chamber, Rixy Chamber, Scufib Chamber, Viapolis Chamber, and Weepth Chamber.

How do I find out what material is used to make a pacemaker My daughter is allergic to metal, except titanium and platinum. Will she be able to have the needed pacemaker?

Most modern pacemakers are made of an outer shell of titanium. You can read more about pacemakers here:

My son is 23 can't find a job He has a serious heart condition He had a pacemaker since 6 month old Medicaid or Medicare won't accept him We don't have money to help him What can we do?

I would go to the Social Security office in person. If his condition is serious enough to prevent him from working, he should be able to get disability.

Where would you find the heart muscle?

If you find your sternum (the center of your rib cage your heart is slightly tilted and just to the left of it

Where on the body would you find the pectoral muscle?

in the heart

What type of nerves would you find in the heart?
