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It can't solve the problem of drug abuse.

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Q: In what way can the comprehensive dangerous drugs act of 2002 helps solve the problem of drug abuse in the country?
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Will a center for substance abuse help with an alcohol problem?

Substance abuse is a broad term covering any substance that is used in a mood altering manner that is illegal or used in a dangerous way. A center for substance abuse would be able to help with an alcohol problem as well as dependecies on precription drugs or the dangerous use of sniffing glue.

Which Islamic country has the largest drug abuse problem?

Afghanistan has the world's only official Opium production and arguably no other country on earth has such a huge drug problem as Afghanistan.

What is republic act no 9165?

Republic Act No. 9165, also known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, is a law in the Philippines that aims to combat illegal drug trafficking and abuse. It provides regulations on the importation, sale, use, and distribution of dangerous drugs, as well as the rehabilitation of drug dependents.

Why is substance abuse considered a public problem?

Substance abuse is considered a public problem because it can lead to negative consequences for individuals and society, such as health issues, crime, family problems, and economic burden. It can strain healthcare and social systems, impacting the overall well-being and functioning of communities. Tackling substance abuse requires a comprehensive public health approach to address prevention, treatment, and support services.

Does blue cross and blue shiled of mas cover inpatient alcohol treatment?

This is a comprehensive addiction portal focusing on topics of alcohol and drug abuse. <a href=""></a> This is a comprehensive addiction portal focusing on topics of alcohol and drug abuse.

Is it dangerous to drink alcohol daily? cause many problem to your helth.It is not dangerous to drink alcohol in moderation. To the contrary, it contributes to better health and greater longevity than abstaining from alcohol. However, the abuse of alcohol is dangerous and raises the risk of accidents, ill health, etc.Read more: Why_is_it_dangerous_to_drink_alcohol

Do you misuse morphine?

Noop. Its dangerous to abuse scheduled substances.

What are the dangerous of inhalants abuse?

they kill ur brain cells

Is Diazipam dangerous?

It's can be addictive, which is dangerous if you have a history of drug abuse, or any sign of an addictive personality.

How do you spot abuse of speed?

It is dangerous to take an anonymous caller's word for anything, but dangerous also if your son has a problem with speed. Look for usual sleeping patterns or lack of sleep. Also fidgeting and loss of appetite or weight could indicate use of speed.

Why is child abuse a social problem?

it is a problem because it keeps on going because when they child being abused has children there is a possibility that they will abuse there children

How common is drug abuse in a country?

Depends on the country! ;)