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Q: In the absence of hormones the distal tube and collecting ducts are relatively impermeable to water?
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Is the distal tubule and collecting ducts relatively impermeable due to water in the absence of hormones?

No, the distal tubule and collecting ducts are not impermeable to water in the absence of hormones. These segments of the nephron regulate water reabsorption based on hormonal signals, particularly antidiuretic hormone (ADH). When ADH is present, water channels called aquaporins are inserted into the tubule walls, allowing for increased water reabsorption.

The collecting duct is impermeable to water in the presence of ADH?

Yes, that's correct. In the absence of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), the collecting duct in the kidneys is impermeable to water, leading to water being excreted in urine. When ADH is present, it causes the collecting duct to become permeable to water, allowing for reabsorption of water back into the body to regulate water balance and concentrate the urine.

What are two hormones responsible for menstrual cycle and menopause?

Two hormones responsible for the menstrual cycle are estrogen and progesterone. During menopause, the levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease, leading to the cessation of menstruation and other symptoms associated with menopause.

How the hormones changes as a result of aging through the life stages?

The hormones change as a result of aging in many ways through the life stages. Estrogen is no longer produced, or it might be over produced in some cases. Hormones do not rise and fall like they should and this causes life changes like a change or absence in periods and other problems.

A cell's hormonal sensitivities are determined by?

A cell's hormonal sensitivities are determined by the presence of specific hormone receptors on the cell's surface. These receptors can recognize and bind to specific hormones, triggering cellular responses. The number and type of receptors on a cell influence its sensitivity and responsiveness to different hormones.

Adrenaline and noradrenaline?

Adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones are secreted in stress conditions. During this the blood vessels dilates and the heart rate increases. BUT actually the function of both the hormone is synergistic in raising the blood pressure. These also release glucose from liver and reinforce the effects of sympathetic system. In the absence of these hormones, the stress conditions are diminished.

What is death as defined by the American Medical Association?

The absence of brain activity.The absence of brain activity.The absence of brain activity.The absence of brain activity.The absence of brain activity.The absence of brain activity.

What is the absence of nothing?

The absence of nothing is everything. The absence of nothing is everything.

What part of speech is the word absence?

The word "absence" is a noun.

What is the absence of sound called?

The absence of sound is called silence.Quiet or quietness is also the absence of sound.

Is their a word for absence of air?

the absence of air is "vacuum"

Is the responsiveness of cells to hormones determined by the presence or absence of specific hormone receptor proteins?

Yes, the responsiveness of cells to hormones is determined by the presence of specific hormone receptor proteins on the cell surface or inside the cell. When a hormone binds to its corresponding receptor, it triggers a cellular response. Cells without the specific receptor for a hormone are not able to respond to that hormone.