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Stop taking the Birth Control and take a test

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15y ago

Take a pregnancy test to make sure

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Q: Im on birth control but you keep thinking maybe im pregnant what do you do?
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How to have breast discharge for sex but am not pregnant?

Are you sure you are not pregnant? Maybe it has something to do with your birth control or other hormones you take.

Is it possible to get pregnant if you stop taking your birth control pill?

possibly, but maybe not after a little while.

If you were pregnant and didn't know it and still took your borth control would you still start your period because of the birth control?

If your idea of birth control is an abortion then maybe, otherwise no.

Can you get pregnant if you didn't have any sex and you have stopped taking birth control pills for over a month?

If you did not have sex, their is no possible way for you to be pregnant. If you had sex, and then stopped taking the birth control pills then you may be in trouble. If what I understand is true, you are definetely not pregnant if you haven't had sex. Maybe get tested to be sure?

If you have 1 month left in your birth control shot can you still get pregnant?

well maybe in depends on how long its going to be to get the baby out

Would a doctor ever prescribe birth control to a pregnant woman?

I guess he is a little to late, maybe for next year.

Does taking a contraceptive pill while you have a contraceptive device increase your risk of pregnancy?

I've seen this question around and I have already answered it once today and I wonder where this comes from. Of course birth control does not make it easier to get pregnant! Birth control prevents ovulation and you can not get pregnant without a egg. in order to get pregnant you have to quit using any type of birth control. And yes, birth control is not 100% effective but not using it is 0% effective. It never helps you getpregnant!

How many birth control pill do you have to take to have a heart attack?

Take them all! Atleast you won't get pregnant! And maybe your partner will have a heart attack because he will think he is impotent!

How long after being on the shot for 7 years can you become pregnant?

Yes, because birth control isn't all that great no matter how long you have been on it because birth control is 99.9% effective they should of told you that when you got it. I know people who got pregnant even if they are on the pill or anything. Maybe you should be more careful. Get a test if you have too! It is only there to lower you chances of getting pregnant cuz with out it you are at high risks.

Can you pregnant dog give birth at 47days?

Maybe depending on when the dog goes into heat.

Do girls on birth control live longer?

Maybe. They don't experience the risks of pregnancy and child birth.

What to do when your gerbil is pregnant and hasn't give birth?

It might be a couple of days late, or maybe it's not actually pregnant. If you are completely sure your gerbil is pregnant and should have given birth a while ago try going to the vets.