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weed stays in your system forat least one month after you used it

if u havent smoked in a long time then u smoke one joint then i say give it forteen days or less butt u sshould just drink lots off water

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Q: If you smoked one marijuana joint and do nothing about it how long will it stay in may urine and have not smoked in the past year?
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How marijuana do you have to smoke for THC to show up in your urine?

any amount of marijuana smoked will eventually show up in the urine.

How long will it take for one marijuana joint to leave your urine if you do nothing to help cleanse it?

28 days 28 days

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if someone didnt smoke marijuana for two months and then smoked one joint a week ago, how long would it remain in urine and at what ng

If you smoked the day before a urine test would it be detected?

marijuana? yes.

If you smoked marijuana tonight would it show up in a urine test tomorrow?


What color is your urine if you smoke weed?

The same color it was before you smoked the marijuana, the color is not affected.

Will marijuana show up on my urine if I smoked once a month ago?

No but it will still show up in your hair.

You smoked one hit of marijuana you were clean for over a year before that will this show up in a hair or urine test?

probably in a hair test but not in urine

Can a urine test determine when marijuana was smoked?

No, a urine test can show whether marijuana has been used recently, but it cannot determine exactly when it was smoked. THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, can be detected in urine for days to weeks after use depending on frequency of use and metabolism.

If you smoked marijuana for the first time 3 weeks ago will you pass a urine test?

More than likely.

How long does it take marijuana to get out of your system if you smoked all day everyday for 10 years?

If you smoked it in the manner you described, it can show up in urine anywhere between 60-90 days after you last smoked.

You quit using 2 weeks ago can it be detected in urine?

Marijuana is a fat soluble, and can store in the fat cells of the body. THC in Marijuana can be detected for up to 10 days if smoked occasionally, as long as 45 days if smoked regular.