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You can overdose on any medication if you're not careful. Never use more than you've been prescribed or have discussed with your doctor, especially when dealing with any pain medication. The most common problems when taking too much of any kind of pain medication is sluggishness and respiratory depression or arrest.

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15y ago
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13y ago

tramadol will make you want to vomit, if you take too much, also if you start to have the spins, or feel vertigo, that also can be a side effect. One may have trouble breathing and or an abnormal heart beat and dry mouth. This drug can kill you if you take to much, don't abuse it. It is a drug that mimics one's Mu opiate recieptors in the brain that send a nerve impulse down the synapse of your brain to the Mu opiate receiptors that in conjunction trigger the nuerontransmitters to collaborate, thus making you feel less pain. This drug IS NOT AN OPIATE, yet is a synthetic drug that is to believed to be derived of a similar molecular structure and was created in Germany by a chemist whom just so happened to be an undergrad at the time. Hope this is helpfull. from = ?

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15y ago

it may take 100mg+ maybe less when mixed with other substances but sweating profusely, numbness, dysphoria, and overwhelming nausea to the point of vomiting.

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14y ago

if you smoke tramadol ( Opium) it starts to give you illusions and make you say stuff random Things Or , Maybe Stuff You Have Been Hiding Or Keeping Secret.

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You broke your foot can you take tramadol if on low dose of suboxune?

my geuss is no...suboxone blocks your opiod receptors, and tramadol is an opiate...try skipping a suboxone dose one day and take tramadol, best of luck to ya

What is common dose of tramadol?

50mg every 6-8 hour

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over dose.

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I need to know if i can take the antibiotic Everythrocin with tramadol, thanks.

Is ultram like a Vicodin?

No. Ultram is tramadol HCL. It is a completely different drug that hydrocodone (Vicodin) with a different therapeutic action. Standard dose for standard dose, hydrocodone is somewhat more powerful than tramadol.

What over the counter medicines have trimodal in it?

There are no over the counter medications that have Tramadol in them. Tramadol is a low grade narcotic pain reliever and you need a prescription to get it.

What happens if you take an over dose of kalms?

Dizzyness upset stomach more anxiety

Valium and tramadol safe to take at the same time?

its ok but only low dose

Can you inject tramadol by using water extraction?

No, you do not need to add anything to the tramadol. When you get it from the pharmacy it will be already prepared for you to inject it. The pharmacist will explain how to administer the shot.

Can tramadol be purchased over the counter in Philippines?


Is tramadol addicting?

Like with all opioid drugs, patients can become physically dependent on tramadol. It can have severe withdrawal symptoms; it is abused as a recreational drug less than some other opioids.