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once asorbed the stomach breaks it the liver takes it. FILTER (liver) the liver is a filter

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Q: If you let a pill dissolve under your tongue will it still pass through your liver?
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Can you poop alot and pass a drug test?

No. It still takes time for the substance to be processed through organs, i.e. the liver.

Can you still get a tongue piercing if you have veins on the bottom of your tongue?

yes it is ok. the veins are there on every bodies tongue. so it is ok.

Is birth control still effective even if the pill gets stuck in the back of your throat?

As long as it is able to dissolve and enter your blood stream through digestion, yes, it is still effective. Otherwise, no.

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If you split your tongue can you still taste?

Yes, you can still taste if you split your tongue. The taste buds are located on the surface of your tongue, so as long as they are not damaged, you should be able to continue tasting. However, the ability to taste may be temporarily affected while the tongue is healing.

If they saw positive cancer tracers in my blood and they traced it to my liver but my liver is ok but I still have positive cancer tracers then do I have cancer somewhere else?

You may. If the cancer originated in the liver and the carcinoma cells are being found in the bloodstream, then the cancer from the liver has already metastasized and is moving around through the entire system. These metastasized cancer cells may 'stick' in other sites.

What does it mean if your tongue is still swallon a few days after you go your tongue pierced Like mine is still swallon but I can talk normally now?

It usually takes 10 - 14 days for the swelling to go down after you get it pierced, so if your tongue is still swollen after a few days that can be normal.

Is the stomach connected to the liver?

No, although the liver and the stomach are right next to each other they are still separateorgans

Can a person without a tongue hum or whistle?

Yes, a person without a tongue can still hum as it does not require the tongue to produce sound. However, whistling may be more challenging without a tongue as it plays a role in shaping the mouth to create the necessary airflow.

Can you still drink while your liver repairs itself?

No, then the liver won't heal. You must stay totally on the wagon for the liver to fully repair itself.

How do you get popsicle stains off your tongue?

Brush your teeth! And take care to scrub your tongue. If your tongue is still stained, just wait a while until the stain fades.

What is a homogeneous mixture that can still dissolve more solute?
