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Your doctor should have a book of medicine with their inactive ingredients. have them look in the book to find the pills with the lowest amount of lactose (if your allergy isn't severe)... they should look for lactose to be one of the last ingredients listed. If it's one of the first ingredients then there is a higher amount in the pill and this will cause problems. I don't have a severe allergy if I have little doses of milk, but in large, daily doses I have trouble. So you have to consider your own personal reactions, otherwise you will have to avoid most pills in general, not just Birth Control, because most of them have milk as a filler.

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Q: If you have a milk allergy what form of birth control can you use?
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Does milk affect the birth control pill?

There are no known interactions between milk and the birth control pill. You can take them together.

Can birth control pils cause your breast to milk?

No, birth-control will not make you produce milk. The only time you will preduce milk is if you are pregnant. CONGRATULATIONS =D

Can person who has a milk allergy have lecithin?

Lecithin is not a milk protein; it should not cause any problem for a person with a milk allergy.

What pill can you take for a cheese allergy?

nothing. for lactose intolerance you can take a lactose pill. lactose intolerance is the gut's incapability to deal with milk sugar. this should never be confused with a true and possibly deadly allergy. food allergy reactions can be serious. if you have mild allergy-induced asthma, your doctor might be able to put you on an asthma maintenance medication that would help control the effects of the allergy. Singulair is one that comes in pill form.

If your diagnosed with milk allergy what in the milk are you allergic to?

The lactose

Is their a cure for milk allergy?


Can whey protein cause allergy?

You can be allergic to whey protein if you have an allergy to milk products. Many products have whey in them, so if you have a milk allergy, you should check all food labels.

Should men stay away from milk?

only if you have a milk allergy then try goats milk

What is the icd9 code for milk allergy?


A person diagnosed with milk allergy would be sensitive to the milk's?

protein Lactose

What milk is the best for you?

For allergy free 'milk' try rice milk. Otherwise there is soy milk, almond milk and cashew milk.

Why do you sneeze and get a runny nose when you drink milk?
