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Q: If you have 30 milligrams of codeine how many aspirin would you administer?
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How much is 200 grams of codeine?

A lot! Consider this: one Tylenol 3 with codeine contains only three milligrams of the drug. 3 milligrams is only 3/200,000 of 200 grams. I am a medical doctor but also take codeine for my Fibromyalgia. Tylenol 3 (generic is Acetaminophen with Codeine) contains 30mg (thirty milligrams) of codeine. 1000mg (milligrams) = 1 gram. which means 200 grams would be equal to taking 6,667 pills of Tylenol 3. This would kill any human no matter what the persons tolerance is.

What unit of measurement would you use to find the mass of a aspirin tablet?

The unit measurement used to calculate an aspirin tablets mass is a gram.

Can I take Excedrin Extra Strength if I am allergic to codeine?

Yes. Excedrin Extra Strength and Excedrin Migraine contain acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. None of these would trigger a codeine allergy.

What if your patient is prescribed Aspirin Grains X po every four hours as needed for leg pain Aspirin is available 325mg per tablet You would administer?

2 tablets/4 hrs... an extra 50mg every 4 hours wont kill them. if you are that concerned then administer 2 tablets every 4 hours and 33 minutes on the dot to be exact :)

If there are 41 milligrams of caffeine in a 12 ounce can of soda how many teaspoons of caffeine is that?

Far smaller than a teaspoon. It would be about 1/10 the size of an aspirin if compressed into a pill. R. Haughee

If allergic to codeine would you be allergic to proxy?

I am not sure of the question but are you asking if there is Codeine in Co-Proxamol. If you are, then there is no Codeine in Co-Proxamol. Hope this helps.

Can you take aspirin with tromadol?

Regular aspirin would be safe if you needed it .if you are on tramadol then not mix it with aspirin.

Does erythromycin have codeine in it?

No, it is an antibiotic. To my knowledge, no company makes an antibiotic/codeine combination, nor would they.

How do you say administer?

ah-d-men-neh-ster is how you would pronounce administer.

3675 mg equals how many milligrams?

mg is an abbreviation for milligrams, so your answer would be 3675 milligrams.

What is a sentence with the word administer in it?

The nurse will administer the sedative.I need to administer all of this paperwork by Friday.The vet decided to administer a painkiller to the kitten.

What does codeine mean in Gaelic?

Codeine does not have a direct translation in Gaelic. It would be referred to as "codeine" in Gaelic as well.