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Yes. Although it is true that for many women it takes months for their fertility to return after stopping Depo Provera, it is still possible to fall pregnant if you leave it longer than 12 weeks to have your next shot. You should use another method of contraception until you can speak to your GP to get another Depo shot.

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12y ago

Unlikely, if you got the shot during ur period u can have sex whenever. If u got it after you have to wait a week so your not pregnant. Depo has a .3% fail rate. 3 out of 1000 women will get pregnant a year using the shot

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9y ago

If you are on time for your Depo Provera injection, pregnancy is not likely. Spotting or bleeding on Depo Provera is a side effect, not a sign of pregnancy.

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Q: If you had unprotected sex two weeks before your next depo provera shot can you get pregnant?
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I had unproteted sex six weeks after my first depo provera shot could i get pregnant?


Is it possible to be pregnant 4 weeks after you were due for your Depo-Provera shot?

Oh yes! It is very possible. I was on it for awhile and then stopped for about a month and in between that period I got pregnant. So Yes it is very possible. Go to the doctor sweetheart.

Do you need post coital contraception if a user of depo-provera who is 13 weeks from the last injection has unprotected sexual intercourse?

You are still protected at 13 weeks after the last injection. There is no additional reduction in pregnancy risk if you're on Depo Provera and take the morning after pill.

Can you be pregnant after unprotected sex?

Yes, that is how you get pregnant. If you are or not you have top take a test 2 weeks after to make sure.

Why do you have to wait 8 weeks to confirm being pregnant?

You don't. You can check it 2 weeks after unprotected sex.

Is it possible for you to be pregnant and the test say negative?

Yes: If you take a store purchased test before atleast two weeks after the unprotected intercourse, you could indeed be pregnant. I would suggest waiting atleast 2 weeks to take a test.

I had unprotected intercouse in July and then had my menstrual period in August 5 2006 and then had unprotected sex again for three weeks straight when did I get pregnant if I'm 23 weeks?

Twenty three weeks ago. In other words, those three weeks of unprotected sex did it. Are you sure you didn't have a period at the beginning of September, because to be 23 weeks pregnant on Feb 12 (EDD June 11) you would have got pregnant around September 18? (englishangel)

If you started your period on the 16th of march and had unprotected sex on the 21 of march and you just found out you were pregnant on the 21 of April how many weeks pregnant does this make you?

4 weeks pregnant

Can you become pregnant while on the shot but you don't get it as often?

If you are not getting your Depo Provera injection at least every 13 to 15 weeks, you could get pregnant.

You had your period and two weeks later you had unprotected sex but he pulled out and you get your period in 2 weeks is there a chance you could be pregnant?

Anytime you have unprotected sex, you could get pregnant. The guy could use something to help prevent it, but they do leak and sometimes break. YES!

Had your coil taken out 2 weeks ago had a cycle had unprotected sex then stopped bleeding?

Your period might take a while before it goes back to normal. Like I tell everyone, there is always a possibility of becoming pregnant if you have unprotected sex. So there is a chance you are pregnant due to your carelessness.

Can you get pregnant if you're on Depo-Provera and don't get a period?

I hate bleeding for 6 weeks on my first shot but my second one only had light spotting to none, it varies. Periods while on the depo provera, (whether u have them or not) has nothing to do with you being pregnant.