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Depending on the daily dosage and the length of time one has been taking them, the withdrawal symptoms can be quite severe and very unpleasant. It's recommended tapering off gradually to minimize any withdrawal symptoms.

I have to add to this answer that is not the "unpleasant symptoms" you have to worry about. it is extremely dangerous to just stop taking any Benzodiazapine. Yes you will feel horrible but when you just STOP taking them your blood pressure goes up. You will most likely have a seizure at best or have a fatal stroke. It is nothing to fool around with. If you need to stop taking them it should be in the hospital in a detox center, that is the only safe way to stop taking any Benzo.

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11y ago

Probably not. You're more likely to experience mild to severe anxiety and restlessness, depending on how high of a dose of Xanax you were taking.

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I would not recommend taking Xanax and Meth together. Xanax mixed with methamphetamine can easily stop your heart or your respiratory system. If you do take Xanax while spun, take a lower dose then you would usually take. Just be on the safe side.

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Taking vitamins with Xanax?

well... taking vitamins and xanax wont increase your buzz, but if you take vitamins with cocaine it will!

Can Xanax pills cause a breakdown?

Xanax is a depressant. Taking that many may make you become unconscious, may make you stop breathing or make your heart stop. You need to see a doctor -- and probably a psychiatrist because you have a real problem if you're taking that much medicine without needing it.

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This is rare - but has occurred in some people taking Xanax.

Is taking 20 xanax in a 12 hour period dangerous?

I'm assuming you are talking about 1 mg Xanax. If you are driving, YES, If you are a woman and there are guys around, YES, If your staying @ home and not taking anything but the Xanax, NO

Can you take Xanax while taking antibiotics?

There seem to be no known interactions between these drugs, so it should be safe.

Is Taking lortbab soma xanax together safe?


Am taking xanax without prescription?

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