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Why not use the PICC for the blood draw?

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Q: If a patient has a PICC line in one arm and a mastectomy on the other side where do you draw blood from?
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Related questions

Can blood pressure be taken in the arm with the PICC line?

No. Use the other arm or lower extremities if it's appropriate.

Why are pic lines put in not for cancer?

PICC lines are placed for several different reasons. One common reason is that the patient has very poor venous access and a peripheral IV cannot be obtained. A PICC line is then placed so that the patient can receive medications, blood, etc. Another common reason is that a patient may be receiving long-term antibiotic therapy. A PICC line may then be placed since a PICC can stay in longer than a peripheral IV.

Ankle brachial index in patient with a picc line?

An ankle-brachial index (ABI) test may not be accurate in a patient with a PICC line due to potential obstruction of arterial blood flow in the arm where the line is placed. This can lead to falsely elevated ABI results. It is important to assess other methods for peripheral arterial disease diagnosis in such cases.

Can you push oral percosets through a picc line?

No as a PICC goes into a blood vessel and any foreign object could be fatal.

Can you draw blood from single lumen picc to arm?


How long do you have to wait to put in a PICC line after a blood culture?

As soon as you get the test results back from the culture you have the okay to insert the picc line.

In what situations does a picc line have to be used?

A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) can be used for blood sampling. The FDA has approved certain types of peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC line) for power injections.

Can a blood sugar check be done on the arm closest to the PICC line?


Is it okay when drawing blood from a picc line to put the blood from the waste syringe back in the body?

It is not recommended to put blood from the waste syringe back into the body, as this can introduce contaminants or air into your bloodstream, leading to potential complications. Proper disposal of waste blood is essential to maintain aseptic technique and ensure patient safety.

Double lumen PICC line colors and what they mean?

Double-lumen PICC lines come in two colors. Red is the blood access lumen or arterial lumen and blue is the blood return lumen or venous lumen. Despite the names, neither lumen is leads to an artery, but both lead into a vein.

PICC requires heparinization how often?

PICC Line requires heparinization how often

Can you run rocephin from double lumen picc line with vancomycin running on other lUmen?
