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Q: If a medicine is contraindicated for you should you take it?
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Aromatherapy is not contraindicated to date for patients on Synthroid.

Is it ok to take flu medicine during menstruation?

Yes, OTC flu medicine would not be contraindicated during menses. If you have additional questions, speak to the pharmacist at your pharmacy about specific products available for your symptoms. Consultation with customers is a part of their service.

Who should not take amphetamines?

Individuals with severe heart conditions, uncontrolled high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism, or a history of drug abuse should not take amphetamines. Additionally, pregnant women and those with a history of mental health issues like anxiety or psychosis should avoid using amphetamines.

Cam you take Wellbutrin and addipex at the same time?

No, its contraindicated

You are taking 800 mg ibuprofen prescription and oxycodone 325 but for different things Can you take them together or are they contraindicated?

Answer#1They are not contraindicated but make sure your doctor has full knowledge of what you are planning to take.

When is it completely contraindicated to take a blood pressure on a patients arm?

You should not take blood pressures in the arm if the patient has lymphedema or is at high risk for it, such as after a lymph node dissection for breast cancer.

What is the best medicine you should take when having a heart problem?

The best medicine that you should take depends on the heart condition that you have. For example, if you have high cholesterol, then you should take lipitor. Aspirin is also a good medication for the heart in general.

Is massaging a person with boils contraindicated?

They are locally contraindicated if not severe and systemically contraindicated if they are severe.

Can you take a medicine if you have a mold allergy?

It depends on the medicine. You should see your primary care physician and speak to him/her about what medicine you'd like to take, and if it would effect your mold allergy.

What medicine should you take if your hand get burned by the steam?


What should you take medicine in cold?

Xtra strength Tylenol

What antibiotic and anti-infilimatry medicine should you take to treat seminal infection in India. I took Tab. Doxycycline 100 OD for 20 days but it did not help. What medicine should I take?
