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Well there is two types of alcohol tests. One test for your urine is a simple 24 hours test for alcohol which will come up negative if it is the next night. That test runs by drink per hour. But there is a test called a ETG test. This test WILL detect alcohol in your system for 72 hours after your last drink. This is a urine test and it will hold up in court if you come up positive. Tehre is now way to get around it. So stop drinking if you have to take a urine test for alcohol. Oh and i know this beucase i run a urine drug testing clinic.

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Q: If I drank alcohol Friday evening and had to take a urine test the next evening would it show up positive for alcohol?
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Im pregnant and tested positive for alcohol but havent drank in months wat caused it to be positive?

if you drink something that has anything that alcohol has in it then it will show up positive and if you were breathalized and you were chewing gum or you used mouth wash then it will show up that you had alcohol in your system

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It's possible that you may still test positive for alcohol on Saturday, even if you only drank on Friday night, as alcohol can stay in your system for up to 24 hours. The result can depend on factors like the amount of alcohol consumed, your metabolism, and hydration levels.

You drank 15 beers Saturday night will you pass etg test onnext Friday?

ETG tests can detect alcohol consumption up to 80 hours after drinking, so it is possible that you may still test positive on Friday depending on your metabolism and hydration levels. It is recommended to wait at least a week after heavy alcohol consumption to ensure a negative result.

If you drank and was done by 1100 pm would urine test at 430 next day show positive for alcohol?

most def

If you drank on Thursday Friday and Saturday and have a test the following Friday will you be clean?

of course yes

Did Che Guevara drink alcohol?

Yes he drank alcohol, but rarely and when he did he drank wine and sparsely, but he did as it is widely knows smoke alot.

Why do people drank alcohol?

To get ******* up dude!

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Yes it come up dirty, i had 1 line on fri and on mon evening i still came up dirty and i drank 12 ,20oz bottles of water .

What causes alcohol to show up in blood tests when you have not drank any alcohol?


Is it bad to drink water when you have drank alcohol?

it's excellent because alcohol dehydrates you

If you drank on Friday and have a drug test monday will you pass?

Probably not because so-called non-alcoholic beer actually contains up to one half of one percent alcohol. An ETG test can detect alcohol from use of a hand sanitizer; it's very sensitive.