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It would more than likely not work, since Vyvanse is closely related to Adderall.

I am being treated by a Psychiatrist for Narcolepsy. I am prescribed 50mg of Vyvanse per day. While Vyvanse is still an amphetamine salt it is a completely different drug than Adderall.

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Q: If Dexedrine or adderall don't work for narcolepsy will Vyvanse?
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Dont take my word for it but maybe. I take adderall everyday too and when I did coke I do not feel a huge rush. I feel different but that's about it. But when i smoked coke i feel it more but not so great that i could get hooked on it. I have a friend that takes adderall and he still feel the rush of coke...Maybe its a blessing in disguise...idk. I'll stick to oxy, adderall, and cigs. Peace, Peer helper YOU GOT SOME BAD COKE DUDE! Agreed... been on adderall xr for 5 years at 50mg and cocaine does nothing to me unless i smoke it.

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