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I cannot answer this question. Taking pills to get high is not right or good for your body.

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Q: I weight 100lbs would I get high off of 140mg of Sudafed?
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How much would 100lbs be on the other 7 planets?

There is a cool calculator you can use to see any weight as it would be on other planets and moons. click on this link:Your Weight on Other Worlds

What is a healthy weight for a 4' 11 12-year-old?

I was 100lbs at the time so I'd say 70-80lbs would be healthy.

Im 100lbs on earth how much would you weigh on Saturn?

You would weigh 106.4 pounds on Saturn if you weighed 100lbs on earth

What is the normal weight for an eleven year old?

It depends how tall you are, what you eat and how much exercise you get. If your in a healthy-ish condition, I would say 80-100lbs

What is the average weight for a 4' 7 11 year old girl?

the average weight is 100lbs to about 120lbs

What should you bench press at 23 years of age?

well im 23 and my record is 450. but i am a bodybuilder. there is no average weight because people are all different sizes and different muscle tone. i would say between 100lbs to your own bodyweight is pretty good. assuming you are over 100lbs.

What is the ideal weight for an 11 year old five feet tall and weight is 139?

Well, you should probably ask your doctor, but I would say about 90-100lbs. More so 90 if your only 5 feet (:

Weight of an object that is 100lbs on Mercury?

The weight of an object that is 100 pounds on Earth would be approximately 38 pounds on Mercury. This is because Mercury's gravity is about 38% that of Earth's, so the object would weigh less on Mercury.

What is the average weight of a 6'2 13 year olds?

Actually at the age of 13 an average height for a girl is 63 inches and for a boy it would be 62 inches. For these heights an average weight for a girl is 105 lbs and for a boy it would be 100lbs. But the recommended weight for 6'2 height is 170 lbs.

How much would you weigh on Venus's?

If you weigh 100lbs you will weigh 88lbs on Venus

Would you be considered underweight if you weighed 100lbs and your only 5' 2?

not really

If you weigh 275 pounds and you are 70 inches tall how much weight would you need to lose to fit into a size 14 dress?

if you want to be inside a healthy BMI range, then just over 100lbs.