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Q: I weigh 165 lbs im 5'7 an smoked weed for one weekend an havent smoked for 2 weeks?
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You weigh 107 and you havent smoked in a month could you pass a blood test?


If you weigh 99lbs and smoked weed 3 days ago when will you be clean again?

2 weeks or more

If Its Friday March 20th and i smoked weed last Tuesday and the weekend before and a little that week before the weekend I am 5'3 and weigh 150 is there any way i can pass a urine test today?

nope. good luck.

I smoked a cigar filled marijuana called a blunt 18 days ago 1st time smoking in a long time you havent drunk any water you havent worked out and im 59 and weigh 170 lbs can you beat a urine drug test?

Yes. Drink water, lots of water to be sure. But since you have not smoked in a long time, you should be good.

You smoked a cigar filled marijuana called a blunt 18 days ago and havent drunk any water or worked out im 59 weigh 170 can you beat the urine drug test?

no you cant marijuana doesn't pass until around a month, sometimes longer from a blunt

Hey I am 15 I am 5 8 tall and i weigh 116 Lb My Metabolism is very fast I haven't smoked weed in 3 months and i was totally clean but this weekend i smoked 2 days in a row when will i be clean again?

Six weeks. Hope you don't have a drug test coming up. its a common myth that it take upwards of 2 month for THC to be cleansed from your system in actuality if you went 3 month clean then only smoked for 2 days odds are youd be able to pass a drug test in about a week to a week and a half however that is not a guarantee as everybody is different my advice is to try and wait 3 weeks (that's what iv always done) till you take a test see this link to help you make a choice for yourself

You weigh 235 pounds and you smoked for a month can you get clean in 2 days?

If you smoked marijuana for a month - then no, you cannot test clean in two days no matter what you try to do.

Only smoked once and weight 225lbs how long does it take for weed to get out of your system?

if you only smoked once it should be gone in about a week or two. marijuana is stored in your fat cells and the less fat you store the easier it is to get out. ...since you weigh 225 lbs i would err on the side of taking longer so i would give it about 2 weeks.

I weigh 240 and don't smoke THC that much but i smoked good weed a week ago how long will the THC stay in your system?

well taking it your a bigger person probably around 2 weeks to a month (14-30 days)

If you smoked pot 2 weeks before your swab can you pass?

If that was the only time you smoked it for up to 3 months, then yes you could have a clean test. A very strong chance you woul be clean. Where the drug is detected longer then two weeks is how heavy a smoker you were before this two weeks and how much you weigh and how active you are etc. If you were a daily heavy user before this, then you may fall the test. It can stay in you for a LONG time (3 months), then it is in your fat cells, so much later on, it can be released. But I am not sure if just being released from fat cells is high enough to be detected.

You took some clonazepam and smoked some weed like 3 weeks agoi have a drug test in 4 days you weigh like 165 and am 6ft tall should you be worried?

no you should be fine. just drink tons of water and a shot of vinegar

You have not smoked weed in a month you piss in 3 days will you pass you weigh 210 lbs?

you should be good