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yes it is lethal! DO YOU WANT TO DIE??

I would seek medical advise from a doctor, at least then you will have a proper diagnosis on whether you have done any damage to yourself.

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Q: I took 14 paracetamol tablets each 300mg within one day it has been two weeks and no side affects except for the disorientation and diziness initially is this an lethal or am I out of the danger?
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How does paracetamol affect seed germination?

Paracetamol affects the root elongation in certain plants such as wheat, as well as the wheat shoot itself. Paracetamol significantly decreased both parameters, and after a while the paracetamol damages the chlorophyll accumulation and the protein synthesis of the plant.

Does paracetamol affect the brain?

Paracetamol affects the brain by slowing down and stopping pain signals travelling across the Synapse, tricking the body into believing the pain has gone.

Can Paracetamol cause death?

Yes, if too much is taken. An extreme overdose of paracetamol is an extremely unpleasant death. It affects your organs and after an extreme overdose if not seen to by a medic within a certain time there is nothing even they can do for you and it it is a very slow, painful, unpleasant death.

Does Tylenol 3 affect conception?

Tylenol 3 does not have any affects during conception. Tylenol 3 is a combination of codeine phosphate and paracetamol that is taken to reduce pain.

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Half of all patients with HIV (50%) initially have neuropsychiatric symptoms.

What are the dangers of paracetamol?

Generally the biggest danger of paracetamol (acetaminophen, Tylenol) is the potential of liver damage if taken incorrectly. The recommended maximum daily dose in the United States and the UK is 4,000mg, taken in 1,000mg doses 4 times a day (every six hours). Since it affects the liver, it is recommended to not drink alcohol with paracetamol because it can increase the potential for liver damage. The recommended daily dose has been recently discussed and the FDA may recommend a lower dose soon. I'm unsure what the recommendations are in Europe, but the potential health effects are certainly the same.

Can you take doxycycline paracetamol together?

Doxycycline is an antibiotic and paracetamol is analgesic .There are contra indications noticed however it is best to refer to the precautions or consult your pharmacist or physician.

what is old age vestibular in a dog?

my dog has vestibular disease and according to 2 vets we have seen it is not painful. They feel dizzy,sick and disorientated but not any pain.

Can you take strepsils and paracetamol together?

The Australian Poisons Information Line informed me that Paracetamol is okay to take with Amoxycillin-based antibiotics. (It is also okay to take Paracetemol with Codeine, such as in Panadeine, with the common Co-amoxiclav which contains Amoxycillin with Glauvanic Acid) There may be some side effects such as upset stomach, nausea and vomiting. Keep your fluids up. On the NHS website (National Health Service) in the UK it states this: Sometimes, an infection may cause you pain and discomfort. Although antibiotics will help to clear your infection, they will rarely provide you with any pain relief. You may therefore want to take some kind of painkilling medication (analgesic) to help relieve your symptoms. Paracetamol is one of the safest painkillers, and rarely causes side effects. It is safe to use paracetamol at the same time as taking antibiotics. Taking the two medicines at the same time should not cause any problems. However, you must make sure that you carefully follow the dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer for both your antibiotics and the paracetamol. If you're still in significant pain after taking paracetamol, contact your GP. The only antibiotic which is an exception to this rule is isoniazid. This antibiotic is used to treat tuberculosis (an infection which primarily affects the lungs). A small number of reports suggest that taking this antibiotic with paracetamol may increase the risk of liver damage. You should always consult your GP before taking paracetamol with this antibiotic. Children should never be given paracetamol whilst being treated with isoniazid. Children who are under 16 years of age should not take aspirin.

What happen when you overdose with paracetamol?

depends how much.... anything up to about 12 tablets in a day nothing will happen, from 12-20 you'd probly feel sick and maybe have a headache and feel dizzy. over 20 tablets for a small to average size person and you are getting toward toxic levels. severe paracetamol overdose can cause liver failure if not treated within the first 12-24 hours.

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The affects of what?

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