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NO...I've been on suboxone for two years. It's ok, but when you cheat and try and take painkillers, etc it has no effect. This stuff trully blocks it. I was even in the hospital and had a shoot of morphine and it barley made a dent. (broke my nose)

I've been thinking of switching to methadone-becuase I just can't stop fighting the cravings. So, my answer is no, suboxone does nothing to make you feel any different.

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Q: I am planning on switching from methadone to suboxone treatment. Will I still feel good on the suboxone?
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How is opiate withdrawal treated?

Two basic treatment approaches are used for managing opiate withdrawal. The first involves treating the symptoms of the withdrawal with appropriate medication

Why do you still feel withdrawals on suboxone when you stopped taking methadone 10 days ago?

Your doctor probably weaned you off the Methadone too fast before switching you over to Suboxone. Methadone takes a LONG time to withdrawal from. I would definitely tell your doctor that you're still feeling withdrawals from the Methadone so he can help you. Hope you feel better.

Will suboxone create a false positive for methadone?

No, each requires its own specific test. Methadone will only show up as methadone and suboxone will only show up as suboxone.

What happens if methadone dose is high when switching to suboxone?

You will be VERY VERY sick if you still have methadone in your system. Wait at least 48 hours and 72hours if you can make it that long. Do not take suboxone before 48hours because the suboxone will send you into a type of severe hyper-withdrawal. Trust me on this....wait the 48 hours or more if you can stand the withdrawals. Good luck.

Can you take methadone right after suboxone?

can you take methadone after taking swuboxone

Why you are still having cravings on 16mil suboxone?

Because Suboxone is well known as an ineffective treatment for addiction to heroin. Methadone is the preferred choice for addiction to heroin, I advise you ask your substance abuse professional to switch to methadone if you are still experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

Can you be on methadone treatment one day and switch to suboxone the next day?

Depends on how much methadone your talking about. One has to be down to 30mgs and off 72 hours before making the switch.

Can you take methadone while on herion?

yes.. i have known people to abuse methadone when they cannot find heroin. methadone also has a withdrawl factor that can be compared to actual heroin withdrawl. eventhough it is used to get off heroin its really just substituting one for the another.

Can you take methadone for 4-5 days to help suboxone withdrawal or will this prolong suboxone withdrawal?

Do NOT take methadone to get off Suboxone. Taper off Suboxone over 10 days. Cut the pills in eighths if you have to. Taking methadone for 5 days will only give you 2 addictions

I'm on 50mg of methadone for a month how long will it take for suboxone to work?

Will first you need to get off methadone or be on at least 5mg. And then the doctor can put you on suboxone.

Will cocaine and methadone show up the same as opiates?

cocaine does not, neither will methadone or suboxone.

If you are on 100mgs of methadone is it ok to switch to suboxone?

Absolutely not. a Suboxone dr. won't even see you. You need to get your methadone dose down to 30mg. Then they want you off methadone for 3 days before starting Suboxone. They want you in the beginnings of w/drawals. The chemicals in Suboxone will pull the methadone out of it's receptors but not replace it right away, so the receptors remain empty and you get sick.