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I am 4 weeks late and have had the paragard for 4 years. I have negative hpt and I am wondering if I still could be pregnant. I am really tired and I have gained a few pounds. Good luck!

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Q: I've had the IUD Paragard for 2 years and I'm 3 weeks late in my period is this normal?
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What does it mean if you have started your period in the space of 2 weeks of your last period?

its just irregular, this is normal for the first years, up to 3 or even 4 years until your period cycle will become normal.

You had your period about two weeks ago and about 5 days ago for the first time ever you are bleeding vaginally Is this normal?

If you had your period 2 weeks ago then that was your fist time. In the beginning it can be irregular and it can take up to 2 years until it is regular.

You have the IUD for 5 years you missed your period this month is that normal?

Missing a period once in five years is normal with or without the IUD.

How many weeks in six normal years?


How many years are there in 109 weeks?

52 weeks (and a day) in a normal year. So 109/52 = 2.096 years (approx) in 109 weeks.

Is it normal for your period to be late after blood donation?

i was wondering the same thing. i donated a few weeks ago and mine was about 4 or 5 days late. it had been normal for 2 years so, maybe it can affect it?

Period two weeks late light spotting mild nausea I've had paragard for four years now Missed cycle for three months cycle came back in January missed feburary Possible pregnancy?

Pregnancy is unlikely with the IUD and unlikely if you are having bleeding. Take a pregnancy test if you are still concerned.

Is it normal to not have your period at 14?

Yes, it's completely normal not to have your period at the age of 14 years old. The average age of menarche (first period) is 13 years old but anything up to 16 years old is considered within normal range.

Is it normal to start your period when you 10?

Yes, this is completely normal. The average age of menarche (first period) is 13 years old, but anything between 8 years old and 18 years old is considered normal.

What year is the normal Time to get her period?

about 7 years

How many years are in 260 weeks?

There are 5 years in 260 weeks, since there are 52 weeks in one year

How many weeks are you when you are twelve years old?

626.16 weeks old. There are 52.18 weeks in a normal year. 52.18 x 12 = 626.16