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HPLC (high pressure liquid chromatography), hair samples and bodily fluids can be tested this way.

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How do you say forensic scientist in french?

As far as I understand, forensic science would be the "police scientifique" so a forensic scientist would be a "scientifique de la police scientifique".

What is it like being a forensic scientist?

* Steps 1. Step One Decide if you would like being a forensic scientist or a science technician. * Being a forensic scientist is pretty stressful. * A bad thing about being a forensic scientist is that you have to work with very dangerous chemicals. * The real challenge of being a forensic scientist is testifying in the courtroom as an expert witness.

How does a forensic scientist make in a month?

The salary of a forensic scientist can vary depending on factors like experience, location, and employer. On average, a forensic scientist can make anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 per year, which translates to roughly $4,000 to $8,300 per month.

What places would hire a forensic scientist?

Coroners Office.

Who would use forensic science in their jop?

A forensic scientist like Temperence Brennan from the show bones.

How much does a forensic scientist get paid daily?

if a forensic scientist gets paid $20000 a year at first then they would make $54 -$60 daily. does that answer your question?

What career does a blood spatter expert fall under?

That would be a forensic scientist.

What do call a doctor that works with criminal detectives?

You would call them a Forensic Scientist.

What is the difference between a forensic biologist and a forensic scientist?

A forensic biologist specializes in analyzing biological evidence such as DNA, blood, and other bodily fluids in criminal investigations. On the other hand, a forensic scientist is a broader term that includes various disciplines such as chemistry, toxicology, ballistics, and DNA analysis, among others, used in forensic investigations.

Would you need extra schooling after high school to become a forensic scientist?


Where would you go for work experience if you wanted to be a forensic scientist?

some people have said the work experience as a lab technician would give you enough experience, but I'm researching for an answer also as i would like to be a forensic scientist :D hope this helps you more than it did me :)

Is it possible for a Molecular Biology student to become a forensic scientist?

Yes, molecular biology is a great major to have when you go in for forensics training. It really depends on the type of forensic scientist you want to become (eg. a biological forensic examiner would do well with a bio-based background).