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It depends on the person and your body chemistry...Go to a doctor.

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Q: How will i feel tapering off Prozac 20mg to 10mg?
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What should you do if you've been on Lexapro for 11 months and 10mg didn't do the job but 20mg made you feel like you were going to come out of your skin?

try 15 mg

If you take 10mg of adderall and go up in mg what are the effects?

Depends on tolerance and how much you go up by. If you take 10mg then go up to 20mg, the effects may last longer.

Can you get of methadone?

Yes, I am coming off of it now. I was on it for 5 years at 150mg for maintenance therapy. I came down 10mg a month until 80mg then 5mg a month until 20mg, then 1mg a week, I am down to 11mg and I feel fine!

You have been 10mg of Prozac for 3 days and you hate the way it makes you feel Should you be feeling anything now?

There is typically no improvement the first few weeks, and one may feel worse. It is temporary! It takes at least a few weeks to work, so it can't be properly judged after just a few days. Don't worry and hang in there.

Can you feel hydrocodone 24 hours after taking 10mg of methadone?

Yes depends how much o.c tho

Is two 10 mg Adderall XL the same as one 20 mg Adderall XL?

First, it is Adderall XR. And yes 2 10mg of immediate relase Adderall is equivalent to Adderall XR 20mg. The Adderall XR is time released so if you are taking Adderall XR 20mg, 10mg will be released immediately and 10mg will be released 4 hours later.

Will taking more Prozac make you feel better?

It depends on the person, some may need high doses, some may need lower doses, some may not respond to prozac- so it really just depends

I am taking Prozac and Cymbalta together and am starting to feel more depressed than ever?

Stop and talk to your psychiatrist immediately.

Can you take aleve with norco?

I'm looking into this too. Norco seems to cancel out the night anxiety from starting Prozac well, and I actually feel like being social. I've heard your body may have trouble absorbing the hydrocodone when on antidepressants but for me it seems to work better. Maybe since I'm on a moderately low dose of Prozac (20mg) it doesn't inhibit the Norco. I've also heard of people taking norco for anxiety atracks. Just a side note there.

Is it possible to be pregnant if your period was two days long and very painful and stopped without tapering off and now for three days i feel very nausiated?

no it is not possible.

Can zyprexa and phentermine be taken together?

I am seeing a licensed physician in VA. I have been slowly increased in my phentermine to two 37.5mg tablets a day. When my weight slowed down he added 10mg of Prozac. I trust my physician and I have lost over 17lbs in 25 days. He says that the Prozac will speed things along. I know several people who are already doing this combination with great success!

How do you stop taking 20mg citalopram?

The slower the better. You can try many ways, but if you wanna be sure to make it through, TAKE your time. You can try tapering to 15 mg for a week and see how you feel... If it's not okay, go back to one day 20, one 15, one 20, one 15... Then one 20, two fifteen, and so on ... If you feel fine at 15, go down to 10 for a week. Then 5, for a week... Then 2,5... Taper as slowly as needed, there is no hurry, and keep in touch with your doctor/psy on a weekly basis if possible. It is totally possible to stop but you must not feel angry or sad or frustrated if it doesn't work, just go more slowly. Also, keep yourself busy but with fun and/or distracting things while tapering down, spoil yourself (cliché I know, but it works !), share with someone you trust your ups and downs on a daily basis, and keep in mind that in the end, everyone can get through it in time :)