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Q: How to smoke mscontin in pill form on tinfoil and inhale smoke with straw?
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How do you get off Tylenol three?

What you will need..... -T3 -Tinfoil -Lighter -Straw Put the t3 on top of the tinfoil sheet. Light the bottom of the tinfoil, and tilt the tinfoil. The T3 will begin to melt, and fall down the tinfoil. Off the melted T3, there will be steam. This is where you will follow the T3 RIGHT behind it with the straw, and inhale.

Is it safe for kids to smoke twizzler?

Not really only if you dont inhale just suck in like a straw it is fine. Remember DONT INHALE, just suck.

Can you smoke monster bath salt?

Yes, Get a peice of foil and put some of the powder onto it. Add like 2-3 drops of water with your finger and mix it up spreading it around the foil. Light the foil from underneath where the mixture is and chase the smoke using a straw and inhale the smoke. :)

What could you use as a loading tube for a bb gun?

A soda straw with one end closed with tape. Do NOT try to suck BBs into the straw- you WILL inhale one.

How can you drink from a straw when there's no forces that suck?

You create a pressure difference in your mouth by lowering the air pressure inside when you inhale. This pressure difference causes the liquid to rise up the straw and into your mouth. The difference in pressure is what allows you to drink the liquid through the straw.

When the Catholic cardinals choose a pope how do they control the color of the smoke?

Chenicals are added to the burning ballots to turn the smoke either black or white. In earler years dry straw was added for white smoke and damp straw for black. This was not always efficient and often gave misleading results. A few years ago the process of using chemicals instead of straw was instituted.

How do you smoke a pill?

Smoking pills is possible, but usually not desirable.. there are many ingredients that have gone into pills and some may not react well when smoked. I doubt the effect from smoking will be significantly better than swallowing or crushing and snorting to risk smoking it. However if you must know, you can crush the pill up into a powder form and place on an item such as foil or a spoon and heat, then inhale the smoke through a tube/straw

How do you smoke smarties?

Well it goes in your lungs and if you haven't crushed them correctly they can be dangerous as you will have large clumps of sugar in your lungs BUT it does disintegrate while they are in your lungs after a day or two it WILL NOT KILL YOU

What will happen if you smoke a cigarette after an extraction?

You can dislodge a blood clot & bleed profusely; that's why the dentist tells you not to smoke or drink through a straw for at least 3 days.

Is it safe to smoke electric cigarettes after tooth extraction?

no, because you cannot suck. no smoking, drinking out of a straw, etc.

What makes the smoke white when the pope is elected?

The ballots used to be burned with dry straw to get white smoke but that is not always dependable as the smoke may issue forth as gray or even black. Now the ballots are burned with these chemicals to assure the smoke seen from the outside is truly white.:Potassium chlorateLactoseColophony

What is the rebus puzzle straw straw straw straw straw straw straw?

it means: the last staw